This repository contains library code for training a categorical diffusion probabilistic model for generation of synthetic location trajectories.
To install the latest GitHub , just call the following on the command line:
docker build mobility-simulation-cdpm.git#<TAG> -t dmma
where is, e.g., v0.1.0
Having installed as described above you can train and generate trajectories using the provided Docker image.
First test the container using:
docker run dmma --help
Train the model using the provided config file via: dock
docker run -v <<some path>>:/mnt \
dmma /
--mode=train \
--config=/mnt/<<>> \
--infile=/mnt/<<train_dataset.csv>> \
<<some path>
is a local path you want to mount to/mnt/
to make it accessible to Docker,<<>>
is a config file that is following the template inconfigs/
is a comma-separated file of numerical values which correspond to the features obtained from transforming inputs through a neural network,<<outfile.pkl>>
is the outfile to which parameter and meta data is saved.
To simulate some data, use
docker run -v <<some path>>:/mnt \
--mode=simulate \
--config=/mnt/<<>> \
--outfile=/mnt/<<outfile.csv>> \
--checkpoint=/mnt/<<checkpoint>> \
--n_seqs=10 \
<<some path>
is the same as above,<<>>
is the same as above,<<test_dataset.csv>>
is a data set for which you want to evaluate if it is OoD,<<outfile.pkl>>
is the name of the outfile,<<checkpoint>>
is the parameter file obtained through the training (i.e., in this case<<outfolder>>/params.pkl
determines the number of generated location trajectories,len_seqs
is the length of each trajectory.
If you find our work relevant to your research, please consider citing
title={Synthetic location trajectories generation using categorical diffusion models},
author={Simon Dirmeier and Ye Hong and Fernando Perez-Cruz},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.12242}
Simon Dirmeier sfyrbnd @ pm me