Generate static webpages from YAML files for a foodblog.
You can find it at
Make sure python (at least v 3.7) and the neccessary python packages are installed:
Official docs per 2020-02-15 for venv can be found here:
To set up the virtual environment:
python -m venv path/to/repo-directory/
To start the virtual environment:
After you are done working with the project, you can exit the virtual environment by running:
To install the packages specified in the requirements-file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Might have to run from shell started as admin due to lack of suitable sudo functionality.)
python -m pip install pyyaml jinja2 lesscpy pillow
To set up the virtual environment:
python -m venv venv_name
To start the virtual environment:
source venv_name/bin/activate
To install the packages specified in the requirements-file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After you are done working with the project, you can exit the virtual environment by running:
pip install pyyaml jinja2 lesscpy pillow
This will create a 'publish'-folder, which can be used as root for the published site.
Note that if you are using virtual environments, this should be executed while the virtual environment is active.
Note that the images referenced in the recipe files have to be places in the publish/images/
You can create the publish/images/
directory before you do the first generating.
The reason for this is that we do not want to bloat the git repository with binaries, and you will need to sort out the storage when you push the generated content anywhere anyways.
Beware that the referenced images have to be present before you run the generation, otherwise the thumbnail generating code will fail.