Spring-boot application with a REST controller, which expose a Swagger API catalog
The following technologies:
- Java
- Spring boot
- Swagger
- Docker
The application expose the following APIs:
-List of the inventory items list (item no, name, amount, inventory code)
-Read item details (by item no)
-Withdrawal quantity of a specific item from stock
-Deposit quantity of a specific item to stock
-Add item to stock
-Delete an item from stock
Data persisted on H2 DB using JPA. The application pack and run from docker.
You can go to swagger-ui and see the API. In the future i thinking to create Angular pages for the fron-end which enable to create/read/update and delete the items in the inventory, meanwhile you can use Postman to see the resposes and the inventory.
You can find the docker imarg here: https://hub.docker.com/r/iitzhakk/spring-inventory
As you can see this microservice can be a part of a more complex e-commerce application.
Image by https://microservices.io