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Symfony application that consumes data from an external API via fetch, stores the information in a MySQL database, and displays the data on a frontend built with Twig and styled using Tailwind CSS.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

This project was developed using the provided Symfony template.


  1. Tailwind CSS:
    php bin/console tailwind:build -w

Environment Setup

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone

Brief Explanation

This Symfony application fetches and stores data from an external API into a relational database.

  1. Migration:
    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  2. FetchDataCommand: Fetches data from the API and populates the database.:
    php bin/console FetchDataCommand

Service Documentation


  • getTeams(): array
    Retrieves a list of teams from the DED competition.

  • getMatchesDed(): array
    Retrieves a list of matches from the DED competition.

  • getStanding(): array
    Retrieves the standings for the DED competition.


  • getPaginationParameters(Request $request): array
    Extracts pagination parameters (limit and offset) from the request query, with default values of 10 and 0 respectively.

Routes Documentation


  • /: Displays the homepage with current season, competition, standings, and team standings.


  • /register: Displays the registration form, processes user registration, hashes the password, and logs in the user.


  • /login: Shows the login form and handles authentication errors.
  • /logout: Logs out the user (intercepted by Symfony's security).
  • /redirect-logout: Redirects to the logout route.


  • /dashboard: Displays the dashboard with paginated teams and user-specific data.


  • /follow/{id}: Allows the user to follow a team. Displays follow errors and followed teams.
  • /followed-teams: Lists all teams followed by the user.
  • /unfollow/{id}: Unfollows a team and redirects to the list of followed teams.

Entities Overview


  • Attributes:
    • id
    • firstName
    • lastName
    • date
    • nationality
    • contractStart
    • contractUntil
  • Relationships:
    • team (One-to-One with Team)


  • Attributes:
    • id
    • name
    • code
    • type
    • emblem


  • Attributes:
    • id
    • status
    • matchday
    • stage
    • lastUpdated
    • homeTeamId
    • awayTeamId
    • homeTeamScoreFullTime
    • awayTeamScoreFullTime
    • homeTeamScoreHalfTime
    • awayTeamScoreHalfTime
    • scoreWinner
    • scoreDuration
    • refereeId
    • refereeName
    • dateGame
  • Relationships:
    • homeTeam (Many-to-One with Team)
    • awayTeam (Many-to-One with Team)


  • Attributes:
    • id
    • name
    • position
    • date
    • nationality
  • Relationships:
    • team (Many-to-One with Team)


  • Attributes:
    • id
    • startDate
    • endDate
    • currentMatchday
    • winner
  • Relationships:
    • competition (Many-to-One with Competition)


  • Attributes:
    • stage
    • type
    • groupName
  • Relationships:
    • season (Many-to-One with Season)


  • Attributes:
    • position
    • playedGames
    • form
    • won
    • draw
    • lost
    • points
    • goalsFor
    • goalsAgainst
    • goalDifference
  • Relationships:
    • standing (Many-to-One with Standing)
    • team (Many-to-One with Team)


  • Attributes:
    • id
    • email
    • roles
    • password


  • Attributes:
    • id
  • Relationships:
    • user (Many-to-One with User)
    • team (Many-to-One with Team)

Repository Documentation


  • findCoachByTeamId($teamId): ?Coach
    Retrieves a Coach entity associated with a specified team ID.


  • findByName(string $name): ?Competition
    Retrieves a Competition entity by its name.


  • getFollowedTeamIds($user): array
    Retrieves the IDs of all teams followed by a given user.

  • getFollowedTeamsByUser($user): array
    Retrieves all teams followed by a given user.

  • followTeamAction($user, $team): array
    Allows a user to follow a team. Validates and persists the follow action.

  • unfollowTeam($user, $teamId): void
    Allows a user to unfollow a team based on the team ID.


  • countMatchesByTeamId($teamId): int
    Counts the number of matches involving the specified team, either as home or away.

  • findMatchesByTeamId($teamId, $limit, $offset): array
    Retrieves a paginated list of matches involving the specified team, either as home or away.


  • findPlayerByTeamId($teamId): array
    Retrieves all players associated with the specified team.


  • findCurrentSeasonByCompetition(Competition $competition): ?Season
    Retrieves the current season associated with the given competition.


  • findByStandings(array $standings): array
    Retrieves SeasonTeamStanding entities associated with the given list of standings.
  • getTeamStatistics(int $teamId): array Retrieves statistical data for a specific team based on its ID, including position, points, played games, wins, draws, losses, goals for, goals against, and goal difference


  • findTeamById($id): ?Team
    Retrieves a Team entity by its ID.

  • findTeamsByIds(array $ids): array
    Retrieves Team entities by their IDs.

  • findTeamsWithPaginationAndCountAndFollowers(Request $request, $user): array
    Retrieves Team entities with pagination, total count, and a list of followed team IDs by the given user.


  • upgradePassword(PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface $user, string $newHashedPassword): void
    Upgrades (rehashes) the password of a user.

  • findUserByEmail(string $email): ?User
    Retrieves a User entity by email address.


  • buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
    Configures the form fields for user registration, including email, terms agreement, and password with validation constraints.

  • configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void
    Sets default options for the form, specifying that the data class is User.


  • load(ObjectManager $manager): void
    Populates the database with initial user data for testing or development, including creating and persisting user entities.


  • authenticate(Request $request): Passport
    Retrieves email and password from the request, creates a Passport object for user authentication, including CSRF protection.

  • onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, string $firewallName): ?Response
    Redirects to the originally requested page or to the dashboard upon successful authentication.

  • getLoginUrl(Request $request): string
    Returns the URL to the login page.


  • validate($value, Constraint $constraint): void
    Validates a Follow entity to ensure that both the user and team properties are not null, adding violations if any are missing.

Template Documentation


  • Purpose: Template file for rendering the user dashboard view.
  • Features: Displays user-specific data such as recent activities, notifications, and other relevant information.


  • Purpose: Template file for rendering the view of followed teams for the user.
  • Features: Displays a list of teams that the user is following, including team name, emblem, and links for viewing details or unfollowing.


  • Purpose: Template file for rendering the homepage view, specifically displaying the standings of teams in a football competition.
  • Features: Shows the competition name, season years, and competition emblem prominently at the top of the page. Displays team standings, including their position, name, emblem, and points in a table format.


  • Purpose: Template file for rendering the user registration form.
  • Features:
    • Displays a user-friendly registration form with fields for email, password, and agreement to terms.
    • Utilizes Symfony's form_row to render form fields with Tailwind CSS classes for consistent styling.
    • Includes error handling to display validation errors prominently above the form fields.


  • Purpose: Template file for rendering the user login form.
  • Features:
  • Displays a login form with fields for email and password.
  • Shows error messages if the login attempt fails.
  • Includes a condition to inform the user if they are already logged in.


  • Purpose: This template displays detailed information about a football team, including the team's name, logo, founding date, address, website, club colors, and venue. It also provides details on the coach, squad, and recent or upcoming matches.
  • Features:
  • Organized Layout: Divided into sections for team details, coach and squad information, and match listings.
  • Paginated Navigation: Includes "Previous" and "Next" buttons for paginated match viewing.
  • Availability Check: Shows a message if team information is not available.
  • Interactive Elements: Styled links for the team's website and pagination controls enhance user interaction.


Symfony application that consumes data from an external API via fetch, stores the information in a MySQL database, and displays the data on a frontend built with Twig and styled using Tailwind CSS.








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