- Genre: Social Media
- Corpus size: 210 samples
- The Romanian Social Media Sexist Language UD treebank (called UD_RoSMSL) is a reference treebank in UD format for Romanian sexist language.
- Annotation of 210 samples (source: git: CoRoSeOf - paper: CoRoSeOf - An Annotated Corpus of Romanian Sexist and Offensive Tweets)
- Added 2 new deprel labels non-existing in the Romanian language, i.e, vocative:mention and discourse:emo, which results in Syntax errors: 182(*** FAILED *** with 182 errors)
- Without the new labels validation is successful 🎉
- TBA the new 2 Unknown DEPREL label in the documentation upon submission:
- Unknown DEPREL label: 'vocative:mention'
- Unknown DEPREL label: 'discourse:emo'
- Updated README.md on: https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_Romanian-TueCL and committed it on dev
- documentation added by @coltekin: two documentation pages:
- https://universaldependencies.org/ro/dep/discourse-emo
- https://universaldependencies.org/ro/dep/vocative-mention
- Tree count: 210
- Number of unique POS tags: 17
- Unique POS tags: ['ADJ', 'ADP', 'ADV', 'AUX', 'CCONJ', 'DET', 'INTJ', 'NOUN', 'NUM', 'PART', 'PRON', 'PROPN', 'PUNCT', 'SCONJ', 'SYM', 'VERB', 'X']
- Number of unique dependency relations: 47 (+ 2 new ) out of 52 relations currently permitted in Romanian language
- Unique deprels: ['acl', 'advcl', 'advcl:tcl', 'advmod', 'advmod:tmod', 'amod', 'appos', 'aux', 'aux:pass', 'case', 'cc', 'cc:preconj', 'ccomp', 'ccomp:pmod', 'compound', 'conj', 'cop', 'csubj', 'dep', 'det', 'discourse', 'discourse:emo', 'expl', 'expl:pass', 'expl:poss', 'expl:pv', 'fixed', 'flat', 'goeswith', 'iobj', 'list', 'mark', 'nmod', 'nsubj', 'nsubj:pass', 'nummod', 'obj', 'obl', 'obl:agent', 'obl:pmod', 'obl:tmod', 'orphan', 'parataxis', 'punct', 'reparandum', 'root', 'vocative', 'vocative:mention', 'xcomp']
- This corpus contains 210 sentences
- Total number of tokens: 4417
- Total number of unique tokens: 1692
- Total number of misspelled words: 451 (documented in the misc column with the CorrectForm)
The treebank will be divided into three parts:
- 12.5% for the test set (ro-ud-smsl-test.conllu)
- 12.5% for the development set (ro-ud-smsl-dev.conllu)
- 75% for the training set (ro-ud-smsl-train.conllu)
The split will be done done randomly. The corpus has been divided into documents containing instances of sexist language found in social media, from Twitter.
Language: Romanian (code: ro)
Language family: Indo-European
- Italic - Latino-Faliscan - Romance - Eastern Romance - Daco-Romance - Romanian