A standalone web server designed to provide simulated responses for external API requests.
To deploy to a cluster from your local environment, follow the steps below, mimicking the build and release pipeline.
Build the local Docker image:
docker build . -t ngrp-wiremock-server
Log in to Azure:
az login
Log in to Azure Container Registry:
az acr login --name ngrpdevregistry --username ngrpdevregistry --password <password>
Find the latest image tag from the Azure Portal and increment the tag number.
Tag the local image with the new tag:
docker tag ngrp-wiremock-server:latest ngrpdevregistry.azurecr.io/ngrp-wiremock-server:7
Push the image to the registry:
docker push ngrpdevregistry.azurecr.io/ngrp-wiremock-server:7
Connect to the cluster:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group ngrp-dev --name ngrp-dev-east-us-cluster --subscription NGRP-Dev
to reflect the newly pushed image at the specified line:From
image: ngrpdevregistry.azurecr.io/ngrp-wiremock-server:#{Build.BuildId}#
image: ngrpdevregistry.azurecr.io/ngrp-wiremock-server:7
Deploy to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f deployment.azure.yml