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2020, 2022
jobs in code engine, batch jobs in code engine, running jobs with code engine, creating jobs with code engine, images for jobs in code engine, jobs, job run, environment variables


Accessing the job details

{: #access-job-details}

Find details about your job from the console or with the CLI. {: shortdesc}

Accessing job details from the console

{: #access-jobdetails-ui}

Job results are available in the console from the job details page after you submit your job. You can also view job details by clicking the name of your job run from the Job runs section of your job.

Job details include status of your instances, configuration details, and environment variables of your job.

Accessing job details with the CLI

{: #access-jobdetails-cli}

To view details of your job with the CLI, use the job get command. For a complete listing of options, see the ibmcloud ce job get command. {: shortdesc}

For example, the following job get command displays details about the myjob job.

ibmcloud ce job get --name myjob

{: pre}

Example output

Getting job 'myjob'...

Name:          myjob
ID:            abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Project Name:  myproject
Project ID:    01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111
Age:           2m4s
Created:       2021-02-17T15:41:12-05:00

Last Job Run:
  Name:     myjob-jobrun-abcde
  Age:      32d
  Created:  2021-10-06T13:50:02-04:00

Resource Allocation:
    CPU:     1
    Memory:  4G

    Array Indices:       0
    Max Execution Time:  7200
    Retry Limit:         3

{: screen}

Accessing job details for a specific run of your job with the CLI

{: #access-specific-jobdetails-cli}

To view details of a specific run of your job with the CLI, use the jobrun get command. For a complete listing of options, see the ibmcloud ce jobrun get command. {: shortdesc}

For example, the following jobrun get command displays details about the testjobrun job run.

ibmcloud ce jobrun get --name testjobrun

{: pre}

Example output

Getting jobrun 'testjobrun'...
Getting instances of jobrun 'testjobrun'...
Getting events of jobrun 'testjobrun'...
Name:          testjobrun
ID:            abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1d733051eb02
Project Name:  myproject
Project ID:    01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111
Age:           2m44s
Created:       2021-02-09T13:32:25-05:00

Job Ref:              myjob
Resource Allocation:
    CPU:                1
    Ephemeral Storage:  400M
    Memory:             4G

    Array Indices:       1 - 5
    Max Execution Time:  7200
    Retry Limit:         2

    Completed:          4m
    Instance Statuses:
        Succeeded:  5
        Type      Status  Last Probe  Last Transition
    Pending   True    4m6s        4m6s
    Running   True    4m3s        4m3s
    Complete  True    4m          4m

    Type    Reason     Age                  Source                Messages
    Normal  Updated    4m3s (x8 over 4m9s)  batch-job-controller  Updated JobRun "testjobrun"
    Normal  Completed  4m3s                 batch-job-controller  JobRun completed successfully

    Name            Running  Status     Restarts  Age
    testjobrun-1-0  0/1      Succeeded  0         4m9s
    testjobrun-2-0  0/1      Succeeded  0         4m9s
    testjobrun-3-0  0/1      Succeeded  0         4m9s
    testjobrun-4-0  0/1      Succeeded  0         4m9s
    testjobrun-5-0  0/1      Succeeded  0         4m9s

{: screen}

Job status

{: #job-status}

The following table shows the possible status that your job might have.

Status Description
Pending The job is accepted by the system, but one or more of the instances of the job are not yet created. This status includes time before a job is scheduled and time that is spent downloading images over the network, which might take a while.
Running The job instances are created. At least one instance is still running, or is starting or restarting.
Succeeded All job instances finished successfully and none are restarting.
Failed All job instances finished, and at least one instance ended in failure. That is, the instance either exited with nonzero status or was terminated by the system.
Unknown For some reason, the state of the job cannot be obtained, typically due to an error in communicating with the host.
{: caption="Table 1. Job status" caption-side="bottom"}