pip install django
pip install djangorestframework
pip install payme-drf
pip install requests
# supported versions
python 3.5 +
django 2 +
djangorestframework 3.7 +
payme-drf 0.01 +
"KASSA_ID": "",
"INTEGRATION_INTEND": "" # either web or mobile
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py create_payme_user
from payme.methods.merchant.validation_classes import BaseMerchantValidationClass
from payme.methods.merchant.views import BaseMerchantAPIView
class MerchantValidationClass(BaseMerchantValidationClass):
MerchantValidationClass implements abstract methods from BaseMerchantValidationClass
to handle specific payment validation logic.
Exceptions Handled:
- OrderNotFoundException: Raised when the order is not found.
- InvalidAmountException: Raised when the transaction amount is invalid.
def check_order(self, amount, account, **kwargs):
"""Validates the existence and correctness of the order."""
def successful_payment(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
"""Processes actions for a successful payment."""
def cancel_payment(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
"""Processes actions for canceling a payment."""
class PaymeMerchantAPIView(BaseMerchantAPIView):
PaymeMerchantAPIView handles API requests for Payme merchant operations
by using the MerchantValidationClass to validate transactions.
validation_class = MerchantValidationClass
from django.urls import path
urlpatterns = [
path('payme/', PaymeMerchantAPIView.as_view())
You can pass multiple items to ac_params to customize the payment request.
from payme.methods.merchant.helpers import PaymeHelper
from decimal import Decimal
helper = PaymeHelper()
ac_params = {"order_id": "12221"} # Here, your account parameters
url = helper.create_initialization(amount=Decimal(5000.00), ac_params=ac_params, return_url='https://example.com/success/')