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Interfaces Quick Ref

This is a quick reference for the various features of a Qooxdoo interface declaration. It uses an EBNF-like syntax .

It is much like a class declaration, with a more limited set of features. Properties are just names with empty map values.

interface_decl  := 'qx.Interface.define' '(' '"' <> '"' ','
                     { feature_spec ',' }

feature_spec    := 'extend'     ':' extend_spec      |
                   'statics'    ':' statics_spec     |
                   'properties' ':' properties_spec  |
                   'members'    ':' members_spec     |
                   'events'     ':' events_spec

extend_spec     := <name.of.SuperInterface> |
                   '[' <name.of.SuperInterface1> ','
                       <name.of.SuperInterface2> ',' ... ']'

statics_spec    := '{'
                    { '"' <upper_case_key> '"' ':' js_primitive_value ',' }

properties_spec := '{'
                    { '"' <property_name> '"' ':' '{}' ',' }

members_spec    := c_map

events_spec     := '{'
                    { '"' <event_name> '"' ':' '"' qx_event_type '"' ',' }

c_map           := '{'
                    { <key> ':' ( js_primitive_value |
                                  js_reference_value |
                                  js_function_value  |
                                  js_function_call   ) ',' }

js_function_value   := ? Javascript anonymous function 'function (...)
                         {...}' ?
js_function_call    := ? Javascript function call 'foo(...)' ?
js_primitive_value  := ? any value from the Javascript primitive types ?
js_reference_value  := ? any value from the Javascript reference types ?
qx_event_type       := ? any Qooxdoo event type class name, e.g.
                         'qx.event.type.DataEvent' ?