In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple tweets app with the Qooxdoo mobile widgets.
identica is a twitter-like service for reading and posting public short messages - called "tweets". It has a twitter-compatible API for accessing data.
Twitter itself made its authorization scheme more complex, as it starts requiring OAuth even to read public tweets. For this basic tutorial it would be too complex to handle such advanced authorization. If your are interested in OAuth, check out how you could handle that in a Qooxdoo app by looking at the Github demo .
We use a mock for the identica service to be sure this tutorial always works.
The app that is to be created in this tutorial should display all tweets of a certain user. When a tweet is selected, the details of the tweet should be shown. You can find the code of the tutorial here .
Please visit the getting started section Getting Started and follow the introduction which describes how to create a Mobile Application.
In this section we will create two pages, one page for entering the username whose tweets should be shown and another page for displaying the tweets.
But first of all we have to define what a page is:
A page is a widget which provides a screen with which users can interact in order to do something. Most times a page provides a single task or a group of related tasks. A Qooxdoo mobile application is usually composed of one or more loosely connected pages. Typically there is one page that presents the "main" view.*
Open the "mobiletweets" folder in your favorite IDE, so that you can edit all the files. Navigate to the "source/class/mobiletweets" folder, were all of the application class files are located. Now you are ready to create the application.
First we have to create a new page class. In order to do so, create a new folder
"page" under "source/class/mobiletweets", representing a new namespace
. In this folder create a new JavaScript file named
"Input.js". This file will contain the
class. Define
the class like this: :
extend :,
construct : function() {
this.setTitle("Identica Client");
The "Input" class inherits from
, a
specialized page that consists of a
including a title, back and action buttons, and a scrollable content area. In
the constructor of the class we set the title of the page to "Identica Client".
To show the "Input" page, we have to create an instance of the class and a page
manager. The manager does the layouting and displays our page on the screen.
Additionally the manager gives us the possibility to use our application in a
mobile or tablet device context. For our example, we just want to work in a
mobile device context. That is why, we construct the manager with false
After creation of the new manager, we have to add the "Input" page to it. In
order to display the "Input" page on start, we then call its show
Open the "source/class/mobiletweets/Application.js" class file. You will find a
comment in the main
method "Below is your actual application code..." with
example code below. As we don't need this example code, we can safely replace it
with the following lines of code: :
var manager = new;
var inputPage = new;
As we have changed the dependencies of our application, recreate the source version by calling the generator "source" target as above.
Refresh the index.html in your browser. You will see a page with a navigation bar and a title "Identica Client". That is all you have to do when you want to display a page.
Qooxdoo mobile comes with different
animations for page
transitions. Showing a second page is as easy as showing one page. Just call the
method of the second page and Qooxdoo will do the rest. To navigate back
to the first page you have to call, you have guessed it, the show
method of
the first page again. To play the animation of the page transition "reversed",
call the show
method with an object literal {reverse:true}
as an argument.
To change an animation, just add an animation key to the passed object literal,
e.g. {animation:fade}
: :; // show the page; "slide" is the default animation
//or{reverse:true}); // show the page and reverse the animation of the transition
//or{animation : "cube", reverse:true}); // show the page and reverse the "cube" animation
A page has predefined lifecycle methods that get called by the page manager when a page gets shown. Each time another page is requested to be shown the currently shown page is stopped. The other page, if shown for the first time, will be initialized and started afterwards. For all called lifecylce methods an event is fired.*
Calling the "show" method triggers the following lifecycle methods:
: Initializes the page to showstart
: Starts the page that should be shownstop
: Stops the current shown page
IMPORTANT: Define all child widgets of a page when the "initialize" _
lifecycle method is called, either by listening to the "initialize" _ event or
overriding the _initialize
method. This is because a _ page can be
instantiated during application startup and would _then decrease performance if
the widgets would be added during _ constructor call. The initialize event and
the _initialize
lifecycle _method are only called when the page is shown for
the first time.
Lets try it! Create another page class "Tweets" in the "source/class/mobiletweets/page" folder: :
extend :,
construct : function() {
title : "", // will be replaced by username
showBackButton : true,
backButtonText : "Back"
In the constructor we setup setup the back button and set its text to "Back". The title will be replaced by the given username later.
Now we need a button on the "Input" page, so that we can navigate between the
two pages. Create a new instance of a
in the "Input"
class and add it to the content of the page. By listening to the tap
event of
the button, the application can handle when the user taps on the button. Add a
new member
section to the class definition of the "Input" class and override
the protected lifecycle method _initialize
to do that: :
members : {
// overridden
_initialize : function() {
// Create a new button instance and set the title of the button to "Show"
var button = new"Show");
// Add the "tap" listener to the button
button.addListener("tap", this._onTap, this);
// Add the button the content of the page
As you can see, the tap
listener has the _onTap
method as a handler. This
method has to be implemented in the member section as well:
_onTap : function(evt)
this.fireDataEvent("requestTweet", null); // Fire a data event.
// Later we will send the entered "username" as a data.
In the _onTap
method we fire a data event "requestTweet". The empty data will
be replaced later with the username. The only thing which is missing now is to
define the event itself. Add a new events
section to the "Input" class:
events : {
"requestTweet" : "qx.event.type.Data" // Define the event
In the "Application" class add the following code below the code we have just added:
// New instance of the Tweets page
var tweetsPage = new;
// Add page to manager
// Show the tweets page, when the button is pressed
inputPage.addListener("requestTweet", function(evt) {;
}, this);
// Return to the Input page when the back button is pressed
tweetsPage.addListener("back", function(evt) {{reverse:true});
}, this);
After creating a new instance of our new "Tweets" class we listen to the
event of the "Input" page instance. In the event handler we call
the show
method of the tweetsPage
page object to display the page. In the
event handler of the tweetsPage
, the "Input" page will be shown with a
reversed animation.
New classes mean new dependencies which means we have to generate the source code again. Refresh the application in the browser and navigate between the pages by tapping on the "Show" and on the "Back" button. Nice!
Ok, here we are. You have learned how to create two pages and to wire them by
reacting on defined events. That is pretty cool, but without data to display our
app is worthless. To display the tweets of a user we will use the public Tweet
service of identica. Data binding is a powerful concept
of Qooxdoo which you can leverage off in your mobile applications as well.
Extend the members
section of the "Application" class by the following code: :
__loadTweets : function() {
// Mocked Identica Tweets API
// Create a new JSONP store instance with the given url
var self = this;
var url = "http://XXXX"+ "/tweets_step4.5/resource/tweets/service.js";
var store = new;
// Use data binding to bind the "model" property of the store to the "tweets" property
store.bind("model", this, "tweets");
In the __loadTweets
method we create a new
JSONP store which will automatically
retrieve the data from the given URL. By binding the model
property to the
property, the tweets
property will be automatically updated whenever
the model
property of the store is updated.
As you might have noticed the __loadTweets
method uses two properties,
and tweets
, that are not defined yet. We will define those
properties now. Define a new section properties
in the "Application" class and
add the following two properties: :
properties :
tweets :
check : "",
nullable : true,
init : null,
event : "changeTweets",
apply : "_applyTweets" // just for logging the data
username :
check : "String",
nullable : false,
init : "",
event : "changeUsername",
apply : "_applyUsername" // this method is called when the username property is set
In the apply method _applyUsername
of the username
property we will call the
method. So every time the username is set the tweets for this
username are loaded. To see which data is set for the tweets
property, we will
print the data in the debugging console. To do so, we call this.debug
with the
stringified value in the apply method _applyTweets
. Add the following code to
the member section of the "Application" class: :
// property apply
_applyUsername : function(value, old) {
_applyTweets : function(value, old) {
// print the loaded data in the console
this.debug("Tweets: ", qx.lang.Json.stringify(value));
Now the username has to be retrieved from the user input. To do so, we have to
create an input form. The usage of the form classes should be familiar to you if
you have used the RIA widget set before. Open the "Input" class again and place
the following code, before the button instance in the _initialize
method: :
var title = new"Please enter an username");
var form = this.__form = new;
var input = this.__input = new;
form.add(input, "Username");
// Add the form to the content of the page, using the Single to render
// the form.
First we add an instance of
to the content of the
page. To an instance of
, a
instance input
is added. Both instances are
assigned to member variables as well, for further reuse. A text is set for the
property of the textfield. By setting the property required
true we indicate that the textfield requires an input. Finally we add the form
instance to the page content, by using a
renderer. The renderer is
responsible for the look and feel of the form. In this case only the input
fields with their placeholders are displayed.
In the _onTap
method we have to retrieve now the value of the input field.
Replace the code in the function body by the following code: :
// validate the form
if (this.__form.validate()) {
var username = this.__input.getValue();
this.fireDataEvent("requestTweet", username);
After successfully validating the form, we retrieve the value of the textfield from the member variable and pass it as the data to the event.
As you surely remember we listen to the requestTweet
event in the
"Application" class. Open the Application class and add the following line to
the event listener: :
We've come full circle. By setting the username, the data will be loaded and we
can proceed to display the data. Rebuild the application and refresh it in the
browser. Type in a valid identica username (e.g. "Qooxdoo") and tap the "Show"
button. Press the F7
key to display the Qooxdoo logging window or use the
console of the browser developer tools. You will see the loaded tweets of the
Now that we have the tweets for a certain user, it's gonna be pretty easy to
display them. All we need for that is a
and to set up
some data binding. Lets proceed with the tutorial.
First we have to add the following _initialize
method to the members section
of the "Tweets" page.
members : {
__list : null,
_initialize : function() {
// Create a new list instance
var list = this.__list = new;
var dateFormat = new qx.util.format.DateFormat();
// Use a delegate to configure each single list item
configureItem : function(item, value, row) {
// set the data of the model
// we use the dataFormat instance to format the data value of the identica API
item.setSubtitle(dateFormat.format(new Date(value.getCreated_at())));
// we have more data to display, show an arrow
// bind the "tweets" property to the "model" property of the list instance
this.bind("tweets", list, "model");
// add the list to the content of the page
The created list instance (we store it in a member variable for further usage)
will use a delegate to configure each single list item. The delegate is set by
the setDelegate
method as a literal object. The configureItem
method is
responsible for configuring the list items. It has three parameters:
: The list item renderer instance. Use this parameter to set the title, subtitle or icon of the list item. -
: The value of the row. Entry of the model for the current row index. -
: The row index.
In this case the list item renderer is the
This renderer has a title
, subtitle
and a image
property, which can be set
individually per row. In addition to those properties, the showArrow
shows an arrow on the right side of the row, indicating that we have more data
to display.
Finally the model of the list instance is bound to the tweets
property, which
we will add to the "Tweets" class right above the member
section: :
properties : {
tweets : {
check : "",
nullable : true,
init : null,
event : "changeTweets"
There are only two tasks left:
Bind the
property from the "Application" to thetweets
property of the "Tweets" page instance. -
Bind the
property form the "Application" to thetitle
property of the "Tweets" page instance.
Open the "Application" class file and add under the instantiation of the
"Tweets" page tweetsPage
the following code: :
this.bind("tweets", tweetsPage, "tweets");
this.bind("username", tweetsPage, "title");
Generate the source code again and refresh you browser tab. Try the username "Qooxdoo" and push the "Show" button. It is magic!
Great, you have made it so far! In the last section we will display a tweet on a
new page when the user selects a certain tweet. Sometimes it can happen that a
tweet is too long for a list entry. Ellipses are then shown at the end of the
tweet. That is why we want to give the user a chance to display the whole tweet.
Lets create a simple "TweetDetail" page that only shows a
with the selected tweet text. To do so, we bind the
property of the tweet to the label's value
property. Create the page,
like you have done before, in the "source/class/mobiletweets/page" folder. The
code of the page shouldn't be something new for you: :
extend :,
construct : function() {
title : "Details",
showBackButton : true,
backButtonText : "Back"
tweet :
check : "Object",
nullable : true,
init : null,
event : "changeTweet"
members :
_initialize : function()
// Create a new label instance
var label = new;
// bind the "tweet.getText" property to the "value" of the label
this.bind("tweet.text", label, "value");
Now create the instance of the "TweetDetail" page in the Application main
method and return to the "Tweets" page, when the back
listener is called. :
var tweetPage = new;
// Add page to manager
// Return to the Tweets Page
tweetPage.addListener("back", function(evt) {{reverse:true});
}, this);
Until now we will never see the "TweetDetail" page as its show
method is never
called. First we have to react in the "Tweets" page on a selection change event
of the list, by registering the changeSelection
event on the list in the
method: :
list.addListener("changeSelection", this.__onChangeSelection, this);
The __onChangeSelection
method looks like this: :
__onChangeSelection : function(evt)
// retrieve the index of the selected row
var index = evt.getData();
this.fireDataEvent("showTweet", index);
As you can see, a showTweet
data event is fired here. This data event has to
be defined in the events
section of the "Tweets" class: :
events : {
showTweet : "qx.event.type.Data"
All we need to do now is to listen to the showTweet
event in the "Application"
class main method, retrieve the index from the data event and to get the
corresponding tweet from the data. Finally we show our "TweetDetail" page. :
// Show the selected tweet
tweetsPage.addListener("showTweet", function(evt) {
var index = evt.getData();
}, this);
Rebuild, refresh the application in your browser and enjoy your application! We are done here.
After you have finished this tutorial, you have learned the basics of Qooxdoo mobile. You have seen how easy it is to develop Qooxdoo mobile applications when you are familiar with Qooxdoo. There are only some new concepts (e.g. Pages) to learn and you are good to go. All Qooxdoo mobile applications work on Android and iOS devices.