Easy-to-use configurator to monitor environmental parameters with professional instruments
- istSOS installed locally (www.istsos.org)
- Python 3
- Python 3 pip
- Supported instruments:
- Ponsel instruments with ModBus 485 communication protocol
- Lufft compact weather station WS-501 with ModBus 485 communication protocol
- Unilux by Chelsea Technologies with RS232 communication protocol
- Trilux by Chelsea Technologies with RS232 communication protocol
- Raspberry pi or other Linux device with a ModBus compatible port
Clone the repository
```bash git clone https://gitlab.com/danistrigaro/station_configurator.git ```
Very important to disable ModemManager module otherwise USB serial communication is not reliable
bash sudo systemctl disable ModemManager
Install postgresql-client
```bash sudo apt install build-essential sudo apt install postgresql-client sudo apt install python3-dev libpq-dev sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev ```
Navigate inside the repository's folder
```bash cd station_configurator/ ```
Install the requirements.txt using pip
```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ```
Edit and configure the section DEFAULT in the file default.cfg. Hereinafter each parameter is explained:
transmission: one of
- nb-iot: LTE CAT1/NB-IoT: (default)
- lora: LoRaWAN(default)
- serial: Serial (to be implemented)
- wifi: WiFi (to be implemented)
This setting defined how to transmit data to the data center.
istsos: str
- http://localhost/istsos: url of istSOS (default)
This istSOS url identified the instance where the raw and aggregated data can be archived.
service: str
- station: name of the istSOS service where raw data are archived (default)
user: str
- admin: user to access istSOS. The user must have the read and write permissions
password: str
- batman: password of the istSOS user (default)
log: one of
- DEBUG (default)
max_log_days: int
- 20: max period for logged values (default)
sending_time: int
- 20: every (default)
remote_istsos: str
remote_service: str
- demo
remote_user: str
- admin
remote_password: str
- batmnan
``` [DEFAULT] transmission = serial istsos = http://localhost/istsos service = demo user = admin password = batman log = DEBUG max_log_days = 20 sending_time = 20 remote_istsos = http://localhost/istsos remote_service = demo remote_user = admin remote_password = batman ```
In the default.cfg file add as many sections as sensors you have. Take a look into the point 6 to have more information.
N.B. 1: if you are using a single MODBUS port to connect more than one sensor remember to use the same sampling_time number
N.B. 2: if you are using a single MODBUS port to connect more than one sensor and if you are using more than one sensor of the same type, so with the same address, remember to configure different address for each sensor before start with the configuration
The name of the section will give the name to the sensor which will be register into the istSOS
fix a astatic usb path https://rolfblijleven.blogspot.com/2015/02/howto-persistent-device-names-on.html