In this project, I classified millions of shopping products into 2,000 categories. Each product has a product name, brand name, model name, price, and image information. Product name, brand name, and model name are written in Korean. I used NLP techniques and pattern matching to cluster similar product, brand, and model names. The proper classification of shopping products is related to our real life, so I thought the experience of working on this project would be helpful when I work in the industry.
- Print product name, brand name, and model name to get an idea of how to cluster the names.
- Recognized that we need additional preprocessing steps to do embedding.
- Found out that pattern matching could be an efficient process to preprocess the words in the Korean product names.
- Combined state-of-the-art NLP techniques and pattern matching in the preprocessing step.
- Build a neural network model consisting of two hidden layers and a softmax function.
- Tuned hyperparameters in both preprocessing and training steps.
Test Score : 1.11923
Implemented the most accurate shopping product classification model among 50 students.
KAIST CoE202: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
Kakao Shopping Product Classification Contest
Unfortunately, the final version of preprocess.ipynb, train.ipynb was lost and the initial version of the code was uploaded.