The basic goal is to avoid pushing messy source code into a repository and makes a developer sure that before the code goes to a test or production environment, it is free from any problem causing strings.
Pull the class on your local machine. Then configure it as below:
// Create an instance of the code checker
$codeChecker = new \itma\code\Checker();
// Set the path to grep through
$codeChecker->path = '/your/path/to/source/code/';
// Skip these pathes
$codeChecker->exclude = [
// Disallowed words
$codeChecker->strings = [
'1== 0',
'1 ==0',
'1 == 0',
'0 == 1',
'0 ==1',
'0== 1',
'& false',
'& true',
'if( true )',
'if( true)',
'if(true )',
'if( false )',
'if( false)',
'if(false )',
'if (true)',
'if ( true )',
'if ( true)',
'if (true )',
'if (false)',
'if ( false )',
'if ( false)',
'if (false )',
// Check!
echo $codeChecker->check();
Run the command as it is showed below (remember to use the path you actually placed the file with the class):
dev@dev:$ php codechecker.php
The result you will get should be similar to the below:
The list of words with numbers
String: 1==0 appears 0 times.
String: 1== 0 appears 0 times.
String: 1 ==0 appears 0 times.
String: 1 == 0 appears 4 times.
String: 0 == 1 appears 0 times.
String: 0==1 appears 0 times.
String: 0 ==1 appears 0 times.
String: 0== 1 appears 0 times.
String: print_r appears 35 times.
String: var_dump appears 59 times.
String: & false appears 0 times.
String: & true appears 6 times.
String: if(true) appears 3 times.
String: if( true ) appears 0 times.
String: if( true) appears 0 times.
String: if(true ) appears 0 times.
String: if(false) appears 0 times.
String: if( false ) appears 0 times.
String: if( false) appears 0 times.
String: if(false ) appears 0 times.
String: if (true) appears 6 times.
String: if ( true ) appears 0 times.
String: if ( true) appears 0 times.
String: if (true ) appears 0 times.
String: if (false) appears 0 times.
String: if ( false ) appears 0 times.
String: if ( false) appears 0 times.
String: if (false ) appears 0 times.
String: dupa appears 0 times.
String: debug_backtrace appears 6 times.
The list of files containing disallowed words:
1 == 0