It is difficult to find time for the training necessary to gain new skills and boost your productivity. With SRK Eduverse you’re able to learn at a pace that is comfortable for you. , A powerful Learning Management System implementing the latest trends in e-learning. E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. Any Person who wants to gain new skills can join SRK Eduverse. A Person has to fill up registration form. Once Learner registers successfully, they will get UserID /Email and Password for login into Student Panel. After login they can buy any course as per their choice or requirement which is available in SRK Eduverse. They can watch purchased video courses online and can submit their feedback. As well they can update their profile and can change password. Admin of this system will upload new courses which will be available for everyone. Admin can delete or edit student/learner details. Admin can modify course details and can check sells report. This project as titled “SRK Eduverse (E-Learning Management System)” is comes under the Web Based Application. This application is developed with the help of HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL Ajax, Jquery etc.