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vault-context is a context manager and token helper designed to make managing multiple Hashicorp Vault instances easier

vault-context is a context manager and token helper designed to make
managing multiple vaults easier

  vault-context [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add a new Vault context
  context     Spawn a shell in the given context
  delete      Delete a saved context
  enable      Set vault-context as the token-helper
  help        Help about any command
  info        Get info about your current context
  list        List configured contexts

  -h, --help   help for vault-context

Use "vault-context [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Supported Backends

Backed by 99designs/keyring originally written for AWS Vault, these token storage options are available:

  • Linux
    • KDE Wallet
    • Secret Service
  • MacOS/OSX
    • Keychain
  • Windows
    • Windows Credential Store
  • General
    • KeePass
    • File


vault-context list
 ALIAS     URL                            NAMESPACE    TOKEN                      
 home      https://vault.domain.tld                    s.7asdfrYasdf 
 cloud                -                          
 test      https://test.vault.domain.tld  test-dev     -     


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Add it to your /usr/local/bin
  3. Enable using it as your token-manager vault-context enable
  4. Add your first context vault-context add http://vault.domain.tld my-vault
  5. Assume the context vault-context ctx my-vault