This app is an example project using the Grocer package.
It simply polls your grocer of choice and sends a text message to the number you provide if delivery times are available.
$ pip install git+
- Download ChromeDriver from here
- Set an environment variable pointing to where you downloaded it. i.e.
export CHROMEDRIVER_PATH=/Users/john/csci-e-29/grocer/chromedriver
Set your instacart username and password as environment variables like so:
export PASSWORD=password
- Make sure you have a Twilio developer account set up, and then set your app keys:
$ export TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER=+12345678910
$ export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=putyourshere
$ export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=putyourshere
- Try running it:
$ grocerytime wegmans 1245678910
It should output a formatted message to the console. Once you're happy with how it's configured, you can turn on text messages by setting the following environment variable:
Then, you should start getting text messages, that look like this: