- Includes external CSS (style.css) and JavaScript (script.js).
- title, stopwatch display, laps list, and control buttons.
- Start, Stop, Lap, and Reset buttons to control the stopwatch.
- Resets and basic styling (font-family, box-sizing).
- Centered content with flexbox, purple background.
- Styled container with padding and rounded corners.
- Stopwatch display with large font and background.
- Flex layout for button alignment.
- Consistent button styling with hover effect.
Start: Starts the timer, updates the display every 10ms.
Stop: Stops the timer.
Lap: Records lap times.
Reset: Resets the timer and clears laps.
Timer Logic:
- Manages hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
- zeroPad function to format time display.
- Handles button clicks to control the stopwatch and manage state (start, stop, lap, reset).