Used to show the KPI value (with or without units) and difference between current and previous value.
- Color (green, red, grey) of the KPI depends on the difference between current and previous value.
- Color treatment can be inverted (going up -> bad, going down -> good)
- Value,
- Difference from Previuos Value in %,
- Target Value,
- Difference from Target Value in %
- 'progress' - (default) difference between current and target value, divided by difference between target and baseline value
- 'variance' - difference between current and target value, divided by target value
- 'performance' - difference between current and minimum value, divided by difference between maximum and minimum value
- 'user' - use custom difference method on server side and pass the result as userTargetDiffValue
- 'default' - (default) difference between current and previous value, divided by previous value
- 'user' - use custom difference method on server side and pass the result as userDiffValue
- 'default' - (default) default mode - shows all values and takes large space (used to be presented on the dashboard)
- 'compact' - compact mode - shows all elements, but in a more space efficient way (used to be presented in as a part of some other screens)
- Caption - shows KPI name and units
- Value - shows KPI value and difference from previous value in %
- Target - shows Target value and difference from Target value in %
- showDiff - show difference from previous value
- showTarget - show target value
- showTargetDiff - show difference from target value
- The whole widget can be disabled (greyed out)
- User can define the precision level for each value (number of digits after decimal point)
- Supports Dash's event handling (n_clicks, n_clicks_timestamp, disable_n_clicks)
Use Python Module provided in the widgets folder, but copied the folder with the module into your Dash Sources folder, Or use the .whl file located in the dist folder.
pip install widgets-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Create a new python environment:
python -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate
Note: venv\Scripts\activate for windows
Install python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install npm packages:
- Optional: use nvm to manage node version:
nvm install nvm use
- Install:
npm install
- Optional: use nvm to manage node version:
npm run build
See sources src/ts/components/KPIWidget/
for detailed explanation of each paramenters. This section will be updated.
Current CSS styles used to visualize the widget are build separatly and located at assets/themes/nautical/css
folder. Source SCSS files are also provided for better customization.
Feel free to leave some comments and suggestions that will make the component better.