IXL and delta-math are terrible learning tools so I made this POC to show my unique problem solving with coding AI apps. I heavily encorage using this to cheat your IXL's or delta-math they are bad tools instead spend time coding or any other thing that makes you happy.
- Pytesseract
- tkinter
- openAI (API-KEY and pip-package)
- pyscreenshot
- requests
If you would like to test/run the code you will first need to...
- Change pytessteract path in both 0swald.py files
- Have all requirments installed
- Change API-KEY to your key
To run the program simply do the following...
- download and cd to the code (Where 0swald.py is)
- type 'python AI.py' in your terminal
- you should see the GUI where you can press 'p' to screenshot
Made-by: itzCozi | Cooper ransom
Discord: Baddeveloper#4200
Email: Cooperransom08@outlook.com