It uses number of threads (configurable) to query Solr for a finite/infinite number of seconds & print the average query time to log file along with total num of queries, total time for response etc.
It performs the following query: http://solr-hostname:8983/solr/finance/select?q=Date:year*&wt=json where year is randomly generated for each query between a given range.
In case, script is run with infinite num of seconds, it can be stopped with Ctrl + c signal.
How to run: $ python3 OR $ python3 5 10
This script posts .csv file format documents to solr for indexing. Script can be used for load testing of solr as it can be run for specified number of seconds with specified number of threads. Place the script in the same directory as the *.csv files & run it.
How to run: $ python3
arg1 & arg2 are optional.
this script searches for a particular string to a solr with multiple cores. It uses a number of threads to perform the search on each core in parallel to decrease the searching time.
How to run: $ python3 --col id --str Apache
run with -h to get more info