@ https://iurisegtovich.github.io/fortranLAB/
- NOTICE: I am learning this stuff as I write; I am writing it as I learn. Suggestions, corrections, contributions are all welcome.
- My goal is to obtain and share experience with open source, available libraries, for high performance number crunching in projects bound to fortran or c, intended to run on desktop or cluster gnu/linux environments.
I usually use and suggest python (plus the scipy stack) for analysis of results of such number crunching, and for the number crunching itself in projects where this is viable. Try the julia language and libraries too.
Table of Contents Intentions
- compile, link, export path, run
- fortran-c_interoperability
- gsl
- netlib' LAPACK and friends
- atlas
- iMKL
- suitesparse
- openMP
- openMPI
- openGL
Foadsf/Cmathtuts, "trying to collect all useful tutorials for famous C math and algebra libraries such as CBLAS, CLAPACK, GSL... "