This is the official Rosnav package. It contains trained neural network designed for collision avoidance and the infrastructure to run said networks in a ROS context.
Rosnav is especially designed to run in the arena-rosnav environment. That means, it is training in there and the evaluation of rosnav is already implemented in both the 2D and the 3D arena-rosnav derivates.
The Rosnav package contains multiple different pretrained neural networks for a bunch of robots. It also contains encoders to integrate the models into existing infrastructures with ease. It does not contain the necessary complete infrastructure to train models, though, one can use arena-rosnav to train a new model.
We provide two seperate architectures with different observation and action spaces to use. Though, one can add a different architecture relatively easy.
The first architecture is robot specific. Therefore each robot has its own network and the networks have different observation and action spaces.
The observation space is a linear vector. The first part of the vector is the current laser observation. The laser scan is concatenated with the distance and angle to the current goal. At last, the action of the previous prediction is passed into the network. Summarized, the observation space has the following structure:
<current_laser_scan>, <theta_goal, distance_goal>, <last_y_vel, last_y_vel, last_anglular_vel>
Since the amount of laser scans is different for each robot, we call the architecture robot specific.
The action space is a 1D array with either two or three elements. If the robot is holonomic, the array will have three elements, otherwise it will have a length of two. The action space has the following structure:
<x_vel>, <y_vel>, <anglular_vel>
The unified architecture is still work in progress.
The idea of the unified architecture is that a single model can run on multiple different robots. Therefore, the observation space is unified and the action space is always the same. Big advantage of this architecture is that one does not have to train a new network for each robot if small changes are made.
The observation space is the concatenation of a manipulated laser scan, the current distance and angle to the goal, the last action, and the minimal and maximal velocity the current robot can drive.
To make the unified architecture work, an encoder is used as a middleware between model and environment. The encoders are explained later in this overview.
The laser scan of each robot is rotated and interpolated to have 1200 entries.
The observation space has the following structure:
<encoded_laser_scan>, <theta_goal, distance_goal>, <last_x_vel, last_y_vel, last_angular_vel>, <min_x_vel, max_x_vel>, <min_y_vel, max_y_vel>, <min_angular_vel, max_angular_vel>, <robot_radius>
The action space is always a 1D array with three entries. Each entry is in the interval [-1, 1]
The Rosnav Space Encoder is designed as middleware to encode observations into desired observation arrays for the different architectures.
Currently we have space encoders for the Unified Architecture and for the Robot Specific Architecture.
The space encoder offers the following functions:
Returns the shape of the observation space for the current robot and Rosnav.
Returns the shape of the action space for the current robot and Rosnav.
Returns the decoded action based on the action calculated by the network.
The action is a tuple of two or three values. Two values are used for non holonomic robots. The action will always be returned in the format [x_vel, y_cal, anglular_velocity]
Returns the encoded observation that is fed into the network.
The observation is a dictionary containing following keys:
- laser_scan: Array of current laser scan values
- goal_in_robot_frame: Tuple of (rho, theta) with distance and angle to the current goal
- last_action: Last action as array of three values
To make things really simple, we offer a seperate Rosnav space manager who will instantiate the encoder. The manager offers the same functions.
The used encoder is selected based on the space_encoder
Currently the parameter works for following values:
- "RobotSpecificEncoder": Will load the robot specific encoder
- "UniformSpaceEncoder": Will load the unified space encoder
The Rosnav space encoder needs to have some parameters set up to work properly:
Parameter Name | Description |
laser/num_beams | Number of laser scans |
laser/range | Range of the laser scan |
laser/angle/min | Start angle of the laser scan |
laser/angle/max | End angle of the laser scan |
laser/angle/increment | The amount the angle is incremented between each scan |
robot_radius | Radius of the roboter |
space_encoder | Name of the encoder to use |
is_action_space_discrete | Wether you want to use a discrete or continuous action space |
actions/discrete | Actions for the discrete action space |
actions/continuous | Actions for the continuous action space |
In our (simulation setup package)[TODO] you can find yaml files in which above values are already defined for a lot of robots. We highly recommend using these predefined files as rosparam files in your launch files.
As an example of the usage, the integration into our trainins environment is described here.
Our training is based on gym and flatland. Therefore, we have a seperate environment for flatland deriving from gym. This environment should offer the action and observation space as well as a step and reset function. A sample usage of the encoder could look like this:
def Environment(gym.Env):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
... # Some code here
self.encoder = RosnavSpaceManager()
self.action_space = self.encoder.get_action_space()
self.observation_space = self.encoder.get_observation_space()
... # Some code here
This will load the Rosnav space manager in a variable encoder
The real Rosnav space encoder is selected based on the parameter
. The encoder is also used in the step and
reset function to encode observations and decode actions:
def step(self, action):
action = self.encoder.decode_action(action)
... # Do something here
observation = self.encoder.encode_observation(observation)
return observation, reward, done, info
def reset(self):
... # Do somthing here
return self.encoder.encode_observation(observation)
For testing we provide a node. The node requires the same params as described above and offers a service call rosnav/get_action
to get the next action from a given observation. The message sent to the service has to be a GetAction
-Message and contains above mentioned observations.