Original publication by Hung, Wasmuth, Sanford and Parkinson (2010)
DETECT implements a density estimation determination for enzyme function based on the sequence. Given a FASTA file, it produces a number of EC number predictions.
This is the python implementation that includes several optimizations compared to the original version.
Improvements mainly include lowering the nubmer of file system operations and using an SQLite database for density estimation tables.
##Examples## Sample run
python detect.py --verbose target_sequence.fasta
Running DETECT for a large sequence archive
python detect.py target_seqeunces.fasta --tabular_output --output_file predictions.tsv
Built-in help available
python detect.py --help
##Required python modules##
- argparse
- sqlite3
- subprocess
pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/local" [module name]
Automated install coming soon