IFMO course project
SwiftLinter is a tool, that helps to enforce Swift style and conventions, based on GitHub's Swift Style Guide.
Supported Rules:
- Line length should be 100 characters or less.
- Leading whitespace file shouldn't start with whitespace.
- Force casts should be avoided.
- Trailing line whitespace - lines should have no trailing whitespace.
- Trailing new line - file should have a single trailing newline.
- File length - file should contain 400 lines or less).
Building SwiftLinter on macOS requires Xcode 9.4 or later or a Swift 4.1 toolchain or later with the Swift Package Manager.
Run swift build
in the root directory of this project.
$ swift build
$ .build/debug/SwiftLinter
$ swift build -c release -Xswiftc -static-stdlib
$ .build/release/SwiftLinter
This will run SwiftLinter in the current directory containing the Swift files to lint. Directories will be searched recursively.
$ SwiftLinter
This will run SwiftLinter at the specified path to lint Swift files. Directories will be searched recursively.
$ SwiftLinter {YOUR_PATH}