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Skills Icons πŸ’‘

Showcase skills in projects or profiles effortlessly ✨

Quick Start πŸš€

Showcase your skills by using the URL below and adding the tech stack icons you want (separated by commas)



Configuration Options πŸ› οΈ

Parameter Description Required Default
i Comma-separated list of icon names Yes /
perline Number of icons per line No 15

Available Icons 🎨

Below is a complete list of available icons and their IDs. You can use either the full ID or its alias (if available) in the i parameter.

ID Icon Alias ID Icon Alias
actix - materialui mui
adonisjs adonis matlab -
aftereffects ae maven -
airflow - medium -
alacritty - mermaid -
algolia - metasploit -
amazonwebservices aws milligram -
anaconda - mongodb mongo
androidstudio - mysql -
angularjs angular navicat -
ansible - neo4j -
apache - neon -
apidog - neovim -
apollo - nestjs -
appium - netbeans -
apple - netlify -
appwrite - newrelic -
arcbrowser arc nextjs -
archlinux arch nextui -
arduino - nginx -
argocd - ngrok -
aseprite - nitro -
astro - nixos -
atom - nodejs node
auth0 - notepadplusplus notepadpp
authy - notion -
avaloniaui - npm -
azure - nunjucks -
babel - nuxtjs nuxt
bash - obs -
bento - obsidian -
bing - ocaml -
biome - ollama -
blender - openlayers -
bluesky - opentelemetry otel
bolt - opera -
bootstrap - pandacss -
box2d - pandas -
brave - passportjs passport
bugsnag - payload -
builder - perplexity -
bulma - phoenix -
bun - photoshop ps
c - php -
canva - phpstorm -
capacitorjs capacitor pinia -
chakraui - pinterest -
chartjs - pkgroll -
chatgpt - plausible -
chrome - playwright -
chromium - pnpm -
circleci - pocketbase pb
claudeai - postcss -
clerk - postgresql -
clickhouse - posthog -
clion - postman -
cloudflare - powershell -
cmake - preact -
codepen - premierepro -
coolify - primevue -
cpanel - prisma -
cpp - prismic -
csharp - prometheus -
css - proxmox -
cypress - psycopg -
dailydev - pug -
daisyui - pulumi -
dart - puppeteer -
databricks - pwa -
datadog - pycharm -
datagrip - pytest -
datalore - python -
dbeaver - pytorch -
dbt - qdrant -
debian - quasar -
deno - qwik -
devextreme - r -
devto - rabbitmq -
digitalocean - radixui -
directus - railway -
discord - raspberrypi -
discordjs - raylib -
django - reactjs react
djangorestframework drf reactnative -
docker - reactquery -
docus - reactrouter -
docusaurus - reddit -
dotnet - redis -
dreamweaver dw redux -
drizzle - rekaui -
dropbox - render -
drupal - replit -
duckdb - resend -
eclipseide - rolldown -
edge - rollupjs -
elasticsearch es ruby -
electron - rubymine -
elixir - rust -
elysiajs elysia rxjs -
emberjs - sanity -
emelentplus - sap -
erlang - sass -
esbuild - scala -
eslint - scikitlearn sclearn
expo - semanticui -
expressjs express sentry -
facebook fb sequelize -
fastapi - serverless -
fastify - seyfert -
figma - shadcnui -
firebase - shopify -
firefox - signal -
flask - skeletonui -
fleet - slidev -
flowbite - snowflake -
flutter - snyk -
flutterflow - socketio -
flyio - solidity -
fortran - solidjs solid
framer - spark -
fresh - sphinx -
gatsby - springboot spring
gimp - spyder -
git - sqlalchemy -
gitbook - sqlite -
github gh sqlserver -
githubactions ghactions stackoverflow so
gitkraken - starlight -
gitlab - stata -
gitmind - storyblok -
gleam - storybook -
gmail - strapi -
godot - streamlit -
goland - stripe -
golang go sublime -
googlecloud gcloud supabase -
googledrive drive surrealdb -
googleidx idx svelte -
gradle - swagger -
grafana - swc -
graphql - swift -
gridsome - swiftui -
gsap - swiper -
hashnode - t0ggles -
haxe - tabby -
headlessui - tailwindcss tailwind
heroku - tauri -
hexo - telegram -
hibernate - tensorflow -
hono - terraform -
hostgator - threads -
html - threejs -
hub - tinacms -
huggingface - trpc -
hugo - turso -
iceberg - twilio -
illustrator - twitter -
indesign - typeorm -
insomnia - typescript ts
instagram ig ubuntu -
intellijidea intellij udemy -
ionic - umbraco -
jamstack - unity -
jasmine - unocss -
java - unrealengine -
javascript js upstash -
jenkins - vala -
jest - vegaspro -
jetpackcompose - vercel -
joomla - vike -
jquery - vim -
json - virtualbox -
julia - visualstudio -
jupyter - visualstudiocode vscode
jwt - vite -
kafka - vitepress -
kaggle - vitest -
kalilinux kali vivaldi -
kotlin - vk -
kubernetes - vmix -
langchain - vmware -
laravel - vuefire -
latex - vuejs vue
leetcode - vuetify -
lemonsqueezy - vueuse -
less - webstorm -
lightroom - whatsapp -
linkedin - windicss -
linux - windows -
linuxmint - winui -
logto - wordpress wp
lottiefiles lottie x -
lua - xampp -
lucia - xcode -
lucide - xd -
macos - yaml -
mambaui - yarn -
manifoldjs manifold zeabur -
manjaro - zed -
mapbox - zig -
mariadb - zod -
markdown md zorinos -
mastodon - zustand -

Contributing πŸŽ–οΈ

We welcome contributions from anyone! If you'd like to help, please follow the detailed guidelines in our file.

Ways to Contribute

  • Add New Icons: Submit PRs to expand our icon collection.
  • Bug Fixes: Help us identify and fix issues.
  • Documentation: Help improve documentation.

Development Setup

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Install dependencies
pnpm install # or npm install

# Run development server
pnpm dev # or npm run dev

For more instructions on how to get started, check out the guidelines in the

Docker Usage 🐳


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Docker (version 18.09 or higher)

Building the Docker Image

To build the Docker image for Skills Icons, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory.
  2. Run the following command to build the image:
docker build -t skills-icons .
# or
sudo docker build -t skills-icons .

Running the Docker Container

Once the image is built, you can run it in a container:

  1. Execute the following command:
docker run -p 3000:3000 skills-icons
# or
sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 skills-icons

This command maps port 3000 of your host machine to port 3000 of the container, allowing you to access Skills Icons at http://localhost:3000.

Support πŸ’

If you find this project helpful, consider:

  • Starring the repository
  • Sharing it with others
  • Contributing to its development

License πŸ“

This project is licensed under MIT License