Let's join hands to create a sustainable fashion ecosystem by giving pre-loved clothes a new life through Circulando! 🌿👕👖👗
Circulando is an iOS app developed using Swift as a final project for the IFB Swift Extension Course. The app aims to create an online thrift store platform that facilitates the exchange and sale of used clothing items. Users can list their pre-loved garments, browse through available items, and engage in transactions within the app.
This project contains only the front-end structure.
The app's visual design was meticulously crafted by Izadora Netz, offering an intuitive and appealing user interface. You can preview the app's design on Figma using the link below:
Circulando screens - Light theme:
Circulando screens - Dark theme:
File available at: https://www.figma.com/file/a4DQhhoX7GC64e1Zd5VzNC/Prototype?node-id=0%3A1&t=gL84H2uMBcrOLIAj-1
The illustrations used in Circulando were created by @xionail and are available on Figma's community resources: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1169191680676153970 and https://www.figma.com/community/file/1167352520198682906
I would like to express my gratitude to the IFB Swift Extension Course for providing the opportunity to develop this project.