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Requirements: Nix. (see


  • In the top-level directory, run nix-shell. This should fetch all the dependencies.
  • Build FACC: cd synth; make
  • Build the FACC libraries: cd synth/libs/clib/; make
  • [optional] Build the evaluation executables: cd benchmarks/; ./

#Getting Weird Build Errors from OCaml where it looks like it can't find things? Nix seems to do a poor job of hiding the system version of Ocaml. You should uninstall whatever system version of ocaml is kicking around (so that running ocaml/ocamlopt outside of nix-shell doesn't find anything).

#Running Run FACC using main.byte, e.g. ./main.byte . examples of all three exist in the benchmarks directory.

Licensing: All code in the synth/ directory is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

All code in benchmarks/ or results/ is licensed as it is in the originating repositories (specified for each).

Structure: The high level structre of this project is: synth: contains all the code to implement FACC, and external libraries to support synthesized programs. benchmarks: contains target information (SHARC FFTA, NXP PowerQuad, FFTW, and TI FFTC) and benchmarks taken from Github and testsuites. Input files for FACC come from here. results/: contains outputs from runs of FACC on existing benchmarks and plotting scripts.


If an example program is not working as expected, there are a few steps to debug:

  1. See if FACC is generating the right candidates for it --- these are in synthethizer_temps by default --- look to see if the candidate you are looking for exists. If it does, the --only-test flag is helpful to debug behaviour on this candidate only.
  2. If it is, check that your wrappers are correct for the program (the json_gen.byte program can help with this) --- you may also need value profiling that is not correctly setup
  3. if it is not, check that range constraints are correct.


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