This is a public repository containing the Iterative Particle analysis software introduced in
The software was developed by Jannik Guckel and Daesung Park.
The Script is fully written in Python 3 (v 3.9), used of mostly using standard libraries and OpenCV (v 4.5) it requires the following packages in order to be ran:
- hyperspy
- numpy
- matplotlib
- glob (python core library)
- scipy
- ast (python core library)
- csv (python core library)
- os (python core library)
- shutil (python core library)
- openCV
Assuming Python3 and the above mentioned libraries are installed, the only installation step needed should be downloading the code provided by this repository without changing the local folder structure. The program can then be executed in the terminal by using:
cd *local direction of this folder*
A more detailed explanation on how to use our code can be found in the 'manual' folder of this repository
This program is available under the GNU General Public License 3.
Please cite our software at, if you are using it in any publication.