Command line tool for automated translation of Google DialogFlow agents
Google Translate is command line utility used for translation of Google DialogFlow agents. Ambition of this tool is to replace original Agent Toolkit that can (among other things) translate GDF agents. The advantages of this new tool (over agent toolkit) are following:
- We are doing translation only, nothing else. Tool is because of that more intuitive, lightweight and easier to use.
- Tool was written in technology that requires no underlying runtime. Original agent toolkit requires Node.JS to be installed, together with windows-build-tools npm package. Making this to work on corporate laptop with lot of restrictions is usually very challenging, especially for non-IT users. New tool is single executable (by default exe file for windows) which is not requiring anything else. Just download and use!
- Translation of intent training phrases is done piece by piece and it does not require manual annotation of entities once translated. This greatly simplifies overall translation process. If original way of translating training phrases will be needed it can be implanted as well with possibility to specify which one to use during translation.
- Original Agent Toolkit does support only following Google DialogFlow message types: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. We do support much more currently: 0, 4, 2, 1, 3, table_card, custom_payload, basic_card, suggestion_chips, list_card, link_out_chip, carousel_card, browse_carousel_card, media_content, simple_response. Additional message types can be implemented on demand.
- Support for glossaries. Starting from version v0.1.4-beta we are supporting translation glossaries (mapping files telling how exactly to translate particular phrases) for V3 API!. Simply create TSV file and use --glossary switch. More details here.
- Most important: apart from Google Translate API V2 (basic) we support V3 API (advanced) as well! For details have a look at Google Cloud Translation Documentation. This is a real game changer since it enables batch translations. Basically instead of translating text (be it utterance, entity or response) one by one, i.e. by invoking thousands of separate HTTP transactions, we can create CVS export and upload it to Google Servers which take care of the translation. Translated CVS file is then downloaded and applied to agent. The benefit is clear: this approach is much less error prone and blazingly fast in comparison with V2 translation. No more 30 minutes spent by looking at translation progressing and then crashing due to network issue or Google quota being hit! More technical explanation can be found in Developer guide.
Binaries are published under Releases section of this github repository. Make sure to always use the latest release in order to get the latest fixes and features.
Release overview:
Version | Binary | OS |
v0.1.0-beta | Download here | Windows |
v0.1.1-beta | Download here | Windows |
v0.1.2-beta | Download here | Windows |
v0.1.3-beta | Download here | Windows |
v0.1.4-beta | Download here | Windows |
v1.0.0 | Download here | Windows |
v1.0.1 | Download here | Windows |
v1.0.2 | Download here | Windows |
Following Google APIs must be enabled on respective Google Cloud project:
- Cloud Storage API
- Cloud Translation API
We are using service accounts when interacting with Google APIs. Respective service account should have following roles assigned:
- Cloud Translation API Admin
- Dialogflow API Admin
- Storage Admin
- Storage Object Admin
Additional info can be found here:
Managing Google Cloud Service Accounts
Managing Google Cloud Service Account Keys
Simply ask for help:
C:\tmp>gdf_translate.exe -h
Google DialogFlow Translate v0.1.4-beta
Adam Bezecny
Tool for automated translation of Google DialogFlow agents.
gdf_translate.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --source-lang <lang ISO code> --cred-file <FILE> --agent-file <FILE> --output-folder <FOLDER> --target-lang <lang ISO code>
-d, --create-output-tsv If this flag is specified it will preserve for V3 API downloaded output buckets. This is
primarily intented for debugging, no need to specify by ordinary users. For V2 API this
flag is ignored.
-h, --help Prints help information
-e, --skip-entities If present entities are not translated
-r, --skip-responses If present responses are not translated
-u, --skip-utterances If present utterances are not translated
-V, --version Prints version information
-s, --source-lang <lang ISO code> ISO code of source language.E.g.: en
-c, --cred-file <FILE> Path to Google Cloud service account credentials used to run translation via
Google Translate V2/V3 API. Must have respective priviledges: See github README
for more details.
-f, --agent-file <FILE> ZIP file with exported GDF agent
-g, --glossary <FILE> Path to file where glossary in TSV format is stored.
-o, --output-folder <FOLDER> Path to folder where translated agent will be stored. Must be exiting (ideally
empty) folder.
-t, --target-lang <lang ISO code> ISO code of destination/target language to which agent will be translated
.E.g.: de
-a, --api-version <v2/v3> Version of API used to translate. Can be v2/v3. If not specified defaults to
v3. [default: v3] [possible values: v2, v3, V2, V3]
-p, --task-count <INTEGER> Number of asynchronous and parallel tasks that will be used to call Google V2
translation API. If not specified defaults to 10. Ignored when using V3 API.
[default: 10]
When running behind corporate proxy server don't forget to set HTTPS_PROXY variable before running the tool. Example:
gdf_translate.exe --agent-file C:/tmp/ ...
It might happen your agent will be not translated properly or it will be not translated at all due to some unexpected error. Should this happen raise the issue here. Don't forget to include following:
- Exact command you did use to run the translation
- Standard output with error details
- Don't forget to attach zip file with agent export!
- DO NOT attach service account JSON file! Contact us over email/skype/etc. so that we can agree on secure way of providing service account file.
- Parameters (e.g. $edd, $shipmentId.original, etc.) will currently not be translated properly with V2 translations. Solution will be provided for this in the future. For V3 this is fully addressed by glossary feature. Glossary is automatically expanded (if no glossary is provided by user app creates it on the fly) with all parameters spotted in responses(e.g. for $edd we create translation pair $edd $edd). Thus parameters will be never crippled during translation but preserved untouched.
Translate from english to german language. Translate all (i.e. utterances, entities, responses). Uses credential file credentials.json. Use default translation mode, i.e. Google Translate API V3.
gdf_translate.exe --agent-file C:/tmp/ --output-folder c:/tmp/out --source-lang en --target-lang de --cred-file C:/tmp/cred/credentials.json
Translate using Google Translate API V2.
gdf_translate.exe --agent-file C:/tmp/ --output-folder c:/tmp/out --source-lang en --target-lang de --cred-file C:/tmp/cred/credentials.json --api-version v2
Translate using Google Translate API V2. Use 4 parallel task executors (default is 10).
gdf_translate.exe --agent-file C:/tmp/ --output-folder c:/tmp/out --source-lang en --target-lang de --cred-file C:/tmp/cred/credentials.json --api-version v2 --task-count 4
Translate using Google Translate API V3. API version is explicitly specified via --api-version v3
gdf_translate.exe --agent-file C:/tmp/ --output-folder c:/tmp/out --source-lang en --target-lang de --cred-file C:/tmp/cred/credentials.json --api-version v3
Translate using Google Translate API V3. Preserve file with exact content of Google Cloud output content. This file can be used for troubleshooting, it is not intented to be used by ordinary users.
gdf_translate.exe --agent-file C:/tmp/ --output-folder c:/tmp/out --source-lang en --target-lang de --cred-file C:/tmp/cred/credentials.json --api-version v3 --create-output-tsv
Translate only reponses and utterances. Do not translate entities.
gdf_translate.exe --agent-file C:/tmp/ --output-folder c:/tmp/out --source-lang en --target-lang de --cred-file C:/tmp/cred/credentials.json --skip-entities