Homepage: https://jackatopolis.github.io/Web-Design-challenge/index.html
The purpose of this project is to create a webpage using HTML and CSS to demonstrate the analysis from a previous weather data related project. Please refer to Python-APIs-challenge for more information on the project referenced on the webpage.
- Landing Page - This is the home page; contains nav bar, project summary, clickable visualization thumbnails
- Comparisons Page - Shows all data visualizations with clickable links
- Data - Shows table of all data used for the project and describes the source
- Max Temp - Shows plot of Latitude vs. Max Temp and contains description
- Humidity - Shows plot of Latitude vs. Humidity and contains description
- Cloudiness - Shows plot of Latitude vs. Cloudiness and contains description
- Wind Speed - Shows plot of Latitude vs. Wind Speed and contains description
- Contents and Navbar shift and scale depending on media used and screen size
- Thumbnails are clickable
- Data table is responsive and has horizontal scrolling
- Bootstrap was used for this project
- Data was collected and plots were created by me