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A Neovim plugin Mk II

GitHub Workflow Status Lua

A template for possible Neovim plugins. It is extended somewhat by me from ellisonleao/nvim-plugin-template to include the basic features of a plugin and possibly some useful additions, definitions and functions.

I just though I'd say remapping insert mode <C-\\> to <esc>a has much improved my nvim experience as it can be used to close the LSP completion dropdown, and so not interfere with use of the actual cursor keys. By default the cursor keys move up and down the LSP completions and not up and down the document. Some purists might say go to normal mode and move about.

The key <C-\\> is actually mapped to some other stuff which I've never used and am not likely to use. I'm still a fan of o instead of i. I like "output". A<cr> was a thing for a while. I'm sure hjkl are right for some, but I'd be happier if the left and right arrows would flow past the beginning and end of lines. It's not "normal." I'm looking into luaSnip now, as I am now enthused enough about not being driven to OCD LSP hell.

I know <C-e> is supposed to be used for this, but on an ISO keyboard, the single finger or tiny motion <C-\\> is possible.

Oh, and I mapped <C-s> to save all buffers keeping the mode, and <C-z> to revert from file, defaulting to a "normal" start. Nice to see formatting of indents auto magical happens on save. The keys [s, zg and z= replace much of what r does. But on with the show.

There's some nice things about Lua. .. amongst them. The _G extension to the language is excellent. It's a very post JavaScript, post modern BASIC (from an age where all acronyms were capital case, CamelCase and snake_case were dreams, and iGeneric was for discerning connoisseurs in plastic macs.) So I added num and chr. Cool.


I've added doris/novaride to control the namespace _G. It sets up a proxy to manage override attempts via __newindex. It has a function .ignore(t, ...) so that strings of fields to allow an override on can be setup if you experience an _G.oh_dear from somewhere else and would instead like the suppressed override. As a consequence of it being just a simple extension of code available online, you can also .track(t) any other tables for protection from overrides. If you supply nil as t, _G will be assumed. Don't forget to .restore() novaride to unnest the protection, and regain a slight amount of speed from removing the protection "virtualization."

It does local novaride = require("doris.novaride").setup() ... and at the end just before return M (or whatever the module is called) a novaride.restore(). Added in .unleak() to restore base _G context. Added in .untrack(t) which returns a table untracked.


A few convenience things are placed in the _G context for faster coding and syntax sugar. It includes a pattern compiler, the range iterator, a switch statement and various wrappers around string.format to name a few. I think it's quite nice, but that's just me.

It's written in pure lua as anything nvim has been kept out of it. This is why chr and num are not in this file. Not that they can't be written in pure lua, it's just nvim kid of already has likely optimized versions.


Various classes placed in the _G context. This relies on the plenary OOP library, and includes some Nad monad/comonad functional programming bits.


Just some dot files for to interactively install if you wish. A nerd font, and some of my config for nvim (LazyVim), rofi, nano and neofetch. It also includes a helper to compile dwm (but you need source) of all the bits.

Using it

Via lazy.nvim:

return {
  build = "./"

Configuration for development requires using a local redirect similar to the changes below. This then uses the local version based on dir as the location of the repository.

-- doris plugin loader for nvim
return {
  -- **local build**
  dev = true,
  dir = "~/projects/doris.nvim",
  fallback = true,
  -- **build command**
  build = "./",
  -- **setup options**
  opts = {},
  -- **lazy load info**
  lazy = true,
  -- **on event**
  -- event = { "BufEnter", "BufEnter *.lua" },
  -- **on command use**
  -- cmd = { "cmd" },
  -- **on filetype**
  -- ft = { "lua" },
  -- **on keys**
  -- keys = {
  --    -- key tables
  --    {
  --      "<leader>ft",
  --      -- "<cmd>Neotree toggle<cr>",
  --      -- desc = "NeoTree",
  --      -- mode = "n",
  --      -- ft = "lua"
  --    },
  --  },

:Lazy reload doris.nvim to bring it upto date by a reload

Features and structure

  • 100% Lua
  • Github actions for:
    • running tests using plenary.nvim and busted
    • check for formatting errors (Stylua)
    • vimdocs auto-generation from file
    • luarocks release (LUAROCKS_API_KEY secret configuration required) this is done by registration with luarocks, getting a LUAROCKS_API_KEY then adding it to the security settings option for secrets.

Features To Do

  • Novaride lua/doris/novaride.lua global namespace anti-clobber
  • More pure help functions in lua/doris/module.lua with pass through
  • Pass through of plenary selected modules using short names
  • Output window 80*24 with keyboard capture callback
    • Cursor keys still need redirect
    • "Ghost" character to "use" cursor visibility (normal mode)
    • Tested
  • Network client server for multiplayer
    • Tested
    • Three player
  • Documentation of new additions
  • A mini-game to play using nerd font glyphs
  • A .js file to pass joypad from a browser to a TCP socket for home row keys
  • Investigate .py control of nvim --embed for features
    • For local AI players maybe or just use network layer
  • Added in a template for adding in C native .so production
  • ...

Plugin structure

So plugin/doris.lua loads commands. Main reference is lua/doris.lua with modules in lua/doris keeping all the detail out of the base plugin file.

├── lua
│   ├── doris
│   │   ├── module.lua (pure lua programming aid for terse input)
│   │   ├── novaride.lua (pure lua global context protection)
│   │   └── object.lua (pure plenary lua OOP and functionals)
│   └── doris.lua (nvim lua)
├── c
│   ├── doris.c
│   └── doris.h
├── (shell script to compile C shared
├── (shell script to freeze venv and extras)
├── (shell script to make python venv from git pull)
├── (shell script to offer option to install .config files)
├── (shell script to get a yes or no)
├── (shell script to include for XDG directories)
├── Makefile (for tests and build)
├── plugin
│   └── doris.lua (nvim new commands loaded)
├── (auto-generation of doc/doris.txt from it)
├── tests
│   ├── minimal_init.lua (test base configuration)
│   └── doris
│       └── doris_spec.lua (tests of doris using plenary)

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  • Emacs Lisp 92.4%
  • TeX 3.4%
  • Python 1.4%
  • Shell 1.4%
  • Cython 0.7%
  • Lua 0.5%
  • Other 0.2%