Hello! I'm Jacob. I'm a data scientist/economist. A lot of my work is focused on the design and analysis of experiments to improve international development policy. For example, trying to understand the impact of formalizing land tenure rights in Tanzania through digitial land certificates. In my day job these days, I work to develop counterfactuals from observational survey data. I am also, for better or worse (just kidding, it's for the worse) a huge Washinton Wizards fan, and also a general basketball fan.
A brief list of stuff I like to work on:
- Food security
- Web scraping to get data on everything from maize imports in Zambia to shot selection for the Wizards
- Causal inference for public policy
- Thoughtful descriptive analysis
I run my Agency's R Users Group, so please reach out if you'd like to present!
- pii R package: developed to help flag potential personal information in survey data sets.
- Math for Data Science: repo with python code for the concepts, exercises, and lessons from the excellent Essential Math for Data Science by Thomas Nield. I started this just to force myself to work through the book, but it ended up being pretty fun.
- Wizards Points: repo for currently dormant NBA Substack heavy on data viz