The ToDoList
This is a basic terminal-based todo list program. Use the presented command line to interact with your lists.
Unfortunately, there is no TUI at the moment. Interaction is done through the command line.
add [list name] : creates [list name]
remove [list name] : deletes [list name]
rename [list name] [new name] : renames [list name] to [new name]
list [list name] add [item name] : adds [item name] to [list name]
list [list name] remove [item name] : removes [item name] from [list name]
list [list name] mark [item name] : marks [item name] from [list name]
list [list name] unmark [item name] : unmarks [item name] from [list name]
todo : lists all lists
todo [list name] : lists a specific list
help : help
clear : clears the screen
exit [-f] : exit, [-f] forces exit without save