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Create trello cards from errors using webhook


  • implement trello card via rest api
  • process webhook response body from error monitoring tools
  • add trello label for cards resolved/unresolved
  • add Github project (kanban, automation)
  • add Cachex for retrieving list id and labels
  • verify webhook signature (security)
  • add code docs (typespecs, docs/moduledocs)
  • use markdown for creating card description (TBA)
  • add Credo (code linter)
  • add Sobelow (security checker for framework)
  • add Honeybadger (error monitoring)
  • add Uptimerobot (uptime monitoring)
  • add Logflare (log aggregator)
  • add ci workflow (unit, mocks)
  • add code coverage (deps, ci)
  • add badge (ci, coverage, dependabot, etc.)
  • add semver
  • update README file to contain instructions from Trello, error monitoring tool and sample deployment for Phoenix framework
  • publish docs (hexdocs for Phoenix framework)
  • add cd workflow (

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Don't forget env variables (e.g. export TRELLO_API_KEY=aaaa...)
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

You can test the flow locally by:

  1. Create a mix project: add error monitoring tool and install e.g. :rollbax to trigger the error. Note: create a route and add the error as a trigger point, or use this sample repo
  2. Run ex_trello_notifier on another port (PORT=4444 iex -S mix.phx server).
  3. Expose those two apps via tunneling. For this demo, use
  4. Add auth token in ngrok.yml, then ngrok start --config=ngrok.yml test notifier.
  5. curl https://<DYNAMIC_SUBDOMAIN>
  6. Then check Trello board for changes.

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


Create Trello cards from errors using webhook








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