Email Subscription
A simple website template that allows users to subscribe to email updates. The entered email addresses are stored in a Google Sheets document for easy management and retrieval. The template features a stylish design with a background image, customizable text, and a responsive form
Here's how to get started:
Download the source code:
--Clone or download this repository.
--Save the files to your local machine.
Open the project:
--Use your preferred code editor to open the downloaded project files.
Customize the code:
--Modify the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to match your desired design and requirements.
--Extend the form in the HTML to collect multiple inputs if needed.
--Customize the background color, text, and styling according to your preferences.
Follow the instructions from this repo:
--The repository contains detailed instructions on how to set up the form-to-Google Sheets data collection.
--Follow the steps provided in the README to configure the integration between the form and Google Sheets.
Test the functionality:
--Open the HTML file in a web browser to see the email subscription form in action.
--Enter an email address and submit the form.
--Verify that the email address is successfully stored in the specified Google Sheets document.
Customize further:
--Explore additional customization options as needed.
--Extend the form with more input fields or customize the form layout to suit your requirements.
--Adjust the background, text, or other CSS properties to match your desired visual style.
Deploy the website:
--Once you have customized the code and tested the functionality, upload the modified code to your web hosting or server.
--Make sure to follow any specific deployment instructions mentioned in the README or provided by your hosting provider.
1.Email Subscription: Users can enter their email addresses to subscribe for updates.
2.Google Sheets Integration: Submitted emails are automatically stored in a Google Sheets document.
3.User Feedback: Real-time feedback messages inform users about the status of their subscription.
4.Customizable Design: Easily modify the background, text, and styling to match your preferences.
5.Scalable Form: Extend the form to collect additional information and store it in Google Sheets.
Contributions are always welcome!
If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to submit a pull request. Please ensure that your contributions align with the overall design and goals of the website.
For any questions or inquiries, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you for visiting the page!