First we will Use Least prime method so that in Each step the Prime factoraization can become Faster . we will Store Least prime for evey Number up to Y . we need to Maintain a array dis which will keep track of the minimum number of steps to make the Number dis[i] ( here, X <= i <= Y ) from X . But at first you need to initialize te dis array with inf value .Now we will run simple Dijktra Algorithm . In Traditional Graph Problem We check Adjacent Nodes of Current Node but in this problem we will prime factoraize our current Number . We will check if the Current Number + prime factor is in the range of Y and If the dis[CurrentNumber]+1 < dis[currentNumber+primefactor] . If it is So then we will modify the dis[currentNumber+primefactor] with the dis[CurrentNumber]+1 and we will push currentNumber+primefactor and it's dis value in Priority Queue . At last we will check the dis value of Y if it's dis value is infinite then we can not make Y from X . But if it is not then the dis value of Y is our answer .
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