A tool to get MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging) bibliographic records from Pergamum API in many formats (MARC ISO 2709, MARCXML, JSON).
If you use an instance of Pergamum version 9 or you want to use a Python tool that uses Pergamum Web Service, see the Library API tool.
- Get the source code:
git clone https://github.com/jaideraf/getPergamumMarcRecords && cd getPergamumMarcRecords
docker build . -t jaideraf/getpergamummarcrecords
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d jaideraf/getpergamummarcrecords
docker-compose up -d
- Make sure you have Node.js 18.16.0+ installed.
- Get the source code:
git clone https://github.com/jaideraf/getPergamumMarcRecords && cd getPergamumMarcRecords
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the application:
npm start
Check it out: https://getpergamum.bu.ufsc.br/acervo/339742?url=https://pergamum.ufsc.br&media_type=application/xml
- A MARC ISO 2709 record from Pergamum:
- A MARCXML record from Pergamum:
- A MARC text record (YAZ style) from Pergamum:
- A JSON MARC record from Pergamum:
- A JSON MARC record (MIJ style) from Pergamum (default, if no "media_type" is specified):