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These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You will need a GitHub account. If this is a uni-project you may want to create an organisation account and add multiple members.
GitHub Desktop
The following steps may help getting a development environment up and running Steps
- Create an Organisation Profile in GitHub
Fork csworkshop to your organisation, by selecting the GitHub Fork option and choose the location.
Install GitHub desktop
Clone or Download the forked repository to your local environment.
Download and Install Node.js. Node.js is the JavaScript runtime that is use in
Navigate to the project folder (created by GitHub desktop) Alternatively, you can use the GitHub desktop “Repository/Open in Git Bash” menu option.
Install npm. npm is the default package manager for JavaScript runtime environment Node.js.
npm install npm@latest -g
- Install Bower. Bower is a package manager that is used for managing front-end components.
npm install -g bower
- Install Polymer CLI. Polymer-CLI is the command line interface for the Polymer tool.
npm install -g polymer-cli
- Install bower
bower install
- Run project. This command will run a local instance of the project.
polymer serve
After these steps all of the required environments and packages should be installed in the specified folder ready for use.