title | subtitle | date | doi | author | institute | header-includes | |||
State of identifiers in Wikidata |
WikidataCon 2017, Berlin |
2017-10-28 |
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) |
id items
: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code ([Q1341492])
ISBN ([Q33057])
id properties
: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code ([P298])
ISBN-13 ([P212])
ISBN publisher prefix ([P3035])
id values
: all values of statements with id properties
+ some id items, e.g. ZIP code 10048 ([Q4546087])
systems with identifiers
- GeoNames ([Q830106])
$\rightarrow$ GeoNames-ID ([P1566]) - ISO 3166-1:2013 ([Q25275])
$\rightarrow$ [P297], [P298], [P299], [P300]
identifiers of these systems
- ORCID iD ([Q51044])
$\rightarrow$ ORCID iD ([P496]) - Australian Business Number ([Q4823913])
$\rightarrow$ Australian Business Number ([P3548])
\color{red} we don't always have/want both!
individual identifiers should be exceptions (
- ZIP code 10048 ([Q4546087])
- .org top-level domain ([Q32131])
- ...
\color{red} instance-of ([P31]) item types from last slide?
identifier classes are subclasses of unique identifier ([Q6545185])
- language identifier ([Q2092812])
- publication identifier ([Q36646373])
- ...
- Wikidata property for a unique identifier ([Q19847637])
\color{red} instance of ([P31]) item types from forelast slide?
57% (2236/3911) of all properties
datatype external identifier or
Wikidata property for a unique identifier ([Q19847637])
. **prop for uniq id** .
external id 1952 192 string 84 url 4 item 2 quantity 1 monolingual text 1
\color{red} should all be classified under [Q19847637]?
Wikidata property for a unique identifier ([Q19847637])
Wikidata property...
- ... for items about people ([Q18608871])
- ... for authority control for people ([Q19595382])
\color{red} needs some cleanup \color{black}
Classification of corresponding systems
- identifier classes ([Q6545185])
- classes of Knowledge Organization Systems:
catalogs, registries, taxonomies... ([Q6423319])
\color{red} needs consensus
\color{red} related to previous questions
Neubert: Wikidata as a linking hub for knowledge organization systems 17^th^ European NKOS Workshop =[Q41072431]
Neubert/Voß: Wikidata as authority linking hub ELAG 2017
- how to handle items about identifier systems
and/or systems that have identifiers
and their corresponding instances? - classify all external-id properties under [Q19847637]?
- n-to-m mappings & the Bonny and Clyde Problem
\centering Join Wikidata:Identifiers!