Winter 2019 | Geography 371 | Web Mapping
Instructor: Bo Zhao | Location: WLKN 210 | Time: MWF 0800 - 0850
In this lecture, we will help you publish a base map using Mapbox. Mapbox is a large provider of custom online maps for websites such as Foursquare, Pinterest, Evernote, the Financial Times, The Weather Channel and Uber Technologies.Since 2010, it has rapidly expanded the niche of custom maps, as a response to the limited choice offered by map providers such as Google Maps and OpenStreetMap. Mapbox is the creator of, or a significant contributor to some open source mapping libraries and applications, including the MBTiles specification, the TileMill cartography IDE, the Leaflet JavaScript library, and the CartoCSS map styling language and parser.The data are taken both from open data sources, such as OpenStreetMap and NASA, and from proprietary data sources, such as Digital Globe.
To create a base map via Mapbox, you need to walk through a tutorial on How to Create a Custom Style. In this tutorial, you’ll start with a list of colors pulled from the Mapbox logo and apply them to the Mapbox Basic style. In the end, you’ll have created a custom-branded map style that reflects the Mapbox brand at any zoom level and at any place across the world.
If you have other complicated troubles in making maps via MapBox, please check the Design a Map Section of the Mapbox Tutorial.
Once you’ve finished adding data and styling your base map, the next step is to add it to a web page. To use your base map style in Leaflet, you will need the style URL
for your map and an Access Token
associated with your account.
A style URL is how you refer to your map style in other Mapbox tools. Combined with your access token, it allows you to access and use your map with any of the Mapbox developer tools.
A complete style URL is made up of three components:
– points to Mapbox’s styles API/mapbox
– your Mapbox username/streets-v9
– your style’s unique ID
You can find your map’s style URL in the Style page of Mapbox Studio.
Note: The mapbox://styles notation for Mapbox styles is an alias to the full Styles API URL:
Mapbox uses access tokens to associate your apps and tool usage with your account. Every account has a default public access token, but you can create new access tokens as well. Your default access token is listed on your Mapbox Studio home page. You can also manage your access tokens with Mapbox Studio.
In order to show how to use a customized basemap in leaflet, please refer to the source codes of this lecture. Below are the major steps.
1. By navigating through Menu
-> Share, develop & use
item, you will be directed to a new page. In the develop with this style section, you can find the access token.
2. Download the zipped style package by pressing the download
3. To use the style package, please unzip the file to the assets
subdirectory. In this subdirectory, you will see a style.json
file , a license.txt
file as well as a folder named after icons
. Make sure the assets
folder contains all these three itmes. Later. You will need to include the style.json
to the script of your web map html file.
4. To use a customized basemap, we should include the following stylesheets and libraries.
<!-- Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link href="" rel='stylesheet'/>
<!-- Javascript Libraries -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- mapbox gl js -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- leaflet mapbox js -->
<script src=""></script>
5. Add your MapBox base map.
mapbox_token = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoiemhhb2JvIiwiYSI6ImNqMGdpM2RjNDAyMzQzMnJ1d3FuZmF0NnQifQ.yoQP0NDS5F8ePKjaS3EJgQ';
var gl = L.mapboxGL({
accessToken: mapbox_token,
style: 'assets/style.json',
attribution: 'Created By <a href="">Bo Zhao</a> based on the <a href="assets/license.txt">Mapbox basic style</a>'
To see the demo, please check here. Please pay attention to the credit information.
You can learn from other popular map design styles, Here are a list of base map you may feel useful. However, Notably, learning from a map style is NOT exactly copying a map style. We expect to see your own contribution. If you design your map based on other styles, please also metion their contributions as well.
OSM Previews
Please locate and switch to a variety of styles on the right scrollable panel.
Google My Maps
To capture the color of a map, you can follow the following procedure.
Create a screenshot of the web map;
Paste the screenshot to one slide in
Microsoft Powerpoint
; -
Click the
tool under theFormat
tab. -
Picture Border
dropdown list, you can get the RGB value of the color by clicking themore
item. -
Get the color value from a RGB to Hex color conversion tool at
Some handy tools for generating a color palette:
- ⭐ Generating a color palettes using a drag-and-drop interface, it also supports generate color-blind colors, and you explore user-contributed color schemes
Coolors is a fantastic tool that pulls together quite a few useful features. It displays a full screen color palette within a drag-and-drop interface. From this screen you can edit each color, drag to change the order, and expand colors to show a selection of alternatives.
The generator also allows you to lock the colors you like best and auto-generate options for other colors by hitting the space bar. You can upload an image to use for inspiration, explore palettes in the Coolors community, and export your palette in six different formats. Coolors is even available as an iOS app and Adobe add-on.
Generating a color palettes by keywords or place names
Generating Warm, Cool, Pastel or Contrasting color palettes
Cohesive color palettes
Cohesive Colors is another basic tool that offers something a little different. It creates only a simple color palette, but it also allows you to overlay the palette with a color of your choosing. You can either start with your own color set or choose a random one one from COLORlovers. Then select your overlay color and adjust the intensity. This tool provides you with a cohesive color scheme, but doesn’t allow you to fine-tune individual colors.