.obj file reader and Mesh Decimator created as a final project for CS 4300 Computer Graphics
- This project implements the Edge Collapse algorithm for mesh decimation.
- Python, OpenGL, and SDL are required to run
- Navigate to ./ModelParserAndDecimator/part1 and in the terminal run
python3 build.py
- Then from the terminal run
to run the executable. - A SDL window will pop up and display a mesh, allowing decimation functionality. See the window commands below.
- Press w to toggle wireframe mode
- Press number keys to decimate mesh by a percentage * 1 is 10%, 2 is 20%, and so on * 0 is 99%
- Press spacebar to switch to a new model
- SDL and some OpenGL starter code provided by Professor Mike Shah
- http://hhoppe.com/proj/pm/
- https://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1320121/FULLTEXT01.pdf
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuj3NC4mfSM&ab_channel=JakeDec