- Fixed issue where image scale factor in translation alignment was being used as minimum image overlap instead
- Removed crash from FileNotFoundError exception. It does not exist in Python 2.7.
- Support for histogram numpy images
- Fixed very rare error where a subregion in translation alignment was a single pixel which broke statistics. These regions are now ignored
- Force rectangle to use float64 numpy arrays. Fixed issue where integer arrays were passed and then used without conversion.
- Fixed a bug where a non-existent center section was requested to be the center in the registration tree.
- The original ir-refine-translate code from SCI has been replaced with a Python implementation. This appears to solve problems where tiles in mosaics were occasionally out of position
- Richer API for Rectangles. Added functions to change the area but keep the same center, safe rounding to an integer that does not decrease the overall area,
- Added a crude measure (Difference of overlapping regions) of mosaic quality
- One can include titles in the ShowGrayscale function now
- Close pools more agressively. The extra threads multiprocessing pools spawn have a measurable performance cost, at least when running in low priority mode
- Do not crash when a file is missing if we are checking a list of tiles and transforms for the most common scalar.
- Adding stos transforms no longer removes masks from the .stos file.
- .stos file object's mask FullPath functions no longer crash if passed None. Instead masks are properly cleared now.
- .stos file can read mask paths correctly from .stos files, was reading the header line as a mask name before.
- If all pixels are masked then do not try to calculate statistics for unmasked pixels.
- Fixed mask generation in RandomNoiseMask
- Fixed crash when MostCommonScalar function encounters a missing image file
- AddStosTransforms was not passing masks along to the new .stos transform
- We now raise a value error when a random noise mask does contain any unmasked pixels to generate statistics from.
- Fixed output of unmapped pixels when warped image call is mapping a single image and not a list of images.
- Fixed script generation on install. Scripts for individual operations such as assemble should appear now. More testing required here.
- Fixes for the use of memory mapped files. These are still disabled in production.
- Fix for crop image when the cropped image is entirely outside the boundaries of the input array.
- Show grayscale layout and title improvements
- ExtractRegion removed and replaced with faster, simpler CropImage function. Now raises DeprecationWarning.
- Deleted unused functions
- Rectangle object now always stores bounds internally as a numpy array
- OnTransformChanged does not fire on a thread unless there are multiple listeners. Performance improvement
- Numpy floating point issues not raise an exception instead of a warning message. Now using: numpy.seterr(all='raise')
- Support for translating tiles in a mosaic based on stage position
- Bug fixes
- Support JPEG2000 and memory mapped numpy arrays as image output formats
- Use a generator to iterate through tiles pulled from a larger image.
- Some significant memory footprint reductions for assemble and transformation functions
- Do not throw an exception when asking a .stos file for the full path to a mask that it doesn not have. Return None instead.
Minor optimization and function used in the new tile web server
- Added a function to cut image into tiles
- Added a resize image function
- Reduced memory footprint of assemble somewhat.
- Many optimizations to assembling images
- Tests will be profiled if the PROFILE environment variable is set
- Added bounding box to spatial
- Python 3 support
- Better documentation for assemble parameters.
- Added bounding box structure to spatial module
- The output buffer in assemble is now the correct size. Previously a larger buffer was allocated and cropped.
- RegistrationTree supports missing centers by finding the nearest section to the requested center
- Add flag to StosBrute to allow execution on cluster
- AssembleTiles method allows specifying a subregion to assemble
- ShowGrayscale function displays multiple images on a 2D grid for a more optimal use of screen real estate
- Added Spatial package which includes enums for standard indexing of nornir spatial arrays. For example iArea.width is the index to use to obtain the width from a size tuple
- Bounds functions now follow the (MinY MinX MaxY MaxX) convention consistent with numpy image array indexing
- Alignment record now uses the standard (Y,X) indexing of the other image_registration packages.
- Removed many uses of ImageMagick identify to obtain image size and replaced with Pillow calls
- Image padding was making images larger than they had to be. This fix should increase registration speed
- Initial release