This repository contains code for our report Prototype-Enhanced Explainable Recommendation with Synthetic Reviews.
We improve upon the MRG model in the following aspects:
- adding extra input features by embedding the history reviews of given (item, user) pair using GRU (we denote as the prototype).
- adding attention layers to pick out the most 'useful' information while embedding the history reviews for generating syntactic reviews.
We use the same data as the original MRG paper to make the results directly comparable.
- Python 3
- TensorFlow >=1.12,<2.0
- Hickle
- Tqdm
- GloVe word embeddings
python --data_dir ./data --batch_size 64 --learning_rate 0.001 --num_epochs 20
Training arguments:
python --help
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data_dir DATA_DIR
Path to the data directory
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
Learning rate (default: 3e-4)
--dropout_rate DROPOUT_RATE
Probability of dropping neurons (default: 0.2)
--lambda_reg LAMBDA_REG
Lambda hyper-parameter for regularization (default: 1e-4)
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
Number of training epochs (default: 20)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size of reviews (default: 64)
--num_factors NUM_FACTORS
Number of latent factors for users/items/prototypes (default: 256)
--word_dim WORD_DIM
Word embedding dimensions (default: 200)
--lstm_dim LSTM_DIM
Hidden dimensions of the LSTM Cell (default: 256)
--max_length MAX_LENGTH
Maximum length of reviews to be generated (default: 20)
--display_step DISPLAY_STEP
Display info after number of steps (default: 10)
--allow_soft_placement ALLOW_SOFT_PLACEMENT
Allow device soft device placement