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... or simply pyPlumed. I work with GROMACS and Plumed2 simulations a lot. Aside from GROMACS trajectories, there are the text-based Plumed2 trajectories. This library allows these files to be read-in as pandas DataFrame objects, making manipulation easier.

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Below is a single most useful example for analyzing Umbrella Sampling (US) simulations.

Compute per-frame free-energy

Using a WHAM free energy profile estimated from an Umbrella Sampling simulation, we can calculate the free-energy per-frame. This free energy per-frame is simply a sum of:

  • the free energy of the window,
  • bias energy, as recorded for the frame.

The typical setup is a 10-replica simulation: 10 windows generate 10 trajectories.

In [1]: import plumed

In [2]: import glob

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: import numpy as np

In [3]: sorted(glob.glob("COLVAR.?"))

In [4]: file = sorted(glob.glob("COLVAR.?"))

In [5]: data = [(f, plumed.read_colvar(f)) for f in files]

In [6]: windows = plumed.read_fes("result_128_0.001_5.dat")

In [7]: windows
    Window        Free       +/-
0        0    0.000000  0.000000
1        1   -2.962629  0.009029
2        2   -0.819930  0.016131
3        3    6.424908  0.020912
4        4   18.764319  0.023116
5        5   36.184953  0.023431
6        6   58.665439  0.024853
7        7   86.073163  0.032630
8        8  108.772854  0.067440
9        9  118.034358  0.115036

In [8]: for f, df in data:
  df["window.bias"] = windows["Free"].values[int(f.split("COLVAR.")[-1])]

In [9]: df = pd.concat(zip(*data)[1])

In [10]: beta = 1/(2.479 * 310./300.)

In [11]: df["weights"] = np.exp(-beta*(df["window.bias"] - df["restraint.bias"]))

See this paper, eq. 2


Reading a collective variable file COLVAR

Assume you have the following COLVAR file

$ head COLVAR
#! FIELDS time v.x v.y v.z d.x d.y d.z d2 dist distances.min restraint.bias restraint.force2
 0.000000 -1.640806 -0.290569 -1.760758 -3.798299 2.503861 -3.303975 10.916252 3.303975 0.473081 2.670422 5340.844815
 29.999999 -1.629709 -0.424727 -1.784937 2.824048 -2.400719 -3.358084 11.276729 3.358084 0.501038 5.104302 10208.604324
 59.999999 -1.647561 -0.734689 -1.649616 -4.166563 -1.607917 -3.353104 11.243305 3.353104 0.476641 2.936907 5873.814045
 89.999998 -1.665416 -0.676483 -1.562421 2.269357 0.283753 -3.245199 10.531320 3.245199 0.483370 3.475311 6950.622491
 119.999997 -1.494495 -0.860597 -1.670672 -1.451372 -2.115068 -3.341465 11.165386 3.341465 0.482442 3.398304 6796.608996
 149.999997 -1.612333 -0.856558 -1.413775 3.040517 2.787686 -3.321970 11.035486 3.321970 0.489207 3.978927 7957.854806
 179.999996 -1.460117 -0.552365 -1.879782 -3.797217 1.850908 -3.295563 10.860736 3.295563 0.483233 3.463835 6927.669979
 209.999995 -1.433626 -0.428419 -1.894602 -4.212299 -2.234372 -3.327392 11.071540 3.327392 0.482861 3.432947 6865.894313
 239.999995 -1.433039 -0.334814 -1.950592 2.886008 -0.180834 -3.351645 11.233523 3.351645 0.483527 3.488397 6976.794135

You can read it into a DataFrame

In [1]: import plumed

In [2]: df = plumed.read_colvar("COLVAR")

In [3]: df.head()
    time       v.x       v.y       v.z       d.x       d.y       d.z  \
0    0.0 -1.640806 -0.290569 -1.760758 -3.798299  2.503861 -3.303975   
1   30.0 -1.629709 -0.424727 -1.784937  2.824048 -2.400719 -3.358084   
2   60.0 -1.647561 -0.734689 -1.649616 -4.166563 -1.607917 -3.353104   
3   90.0 -1.665416 -0.676483 -1.562421  2.269357  0.283753 -3.245199   
4  120.0 -1.494495 -0.860597 -1.670672 -1.451372 -2.115068 -3.341465   

          d2      dist  distances.min  restraint.bias  restraint.force2  
0  10.916252  3.303975       0.473081        2.670422       5340.844815  
1  11.276729  3.358084       0.501038        5.104302      10208.604324  
2  11.243305  3.353104       0.476641        2.936907       5873.814045  
3  10.531320  3.245199       0.483370        3.475311       6950.622491  
4  11.165386  3.341465       0.482442        3.398304       6796.608996  

Reading a WHAM free energy profile

Suppose you have a WHAM file like this

$ head wham_result.dat
#Coor		Free	+/-		Prob		+/-
0.427930	inf	-nan	0.000000	0.000000
0.432227	17.503672	1.274852	0.000341	0.000167
0.436523	17.500549	-nan	0.000342	0.000232
0.440820	13.467288	0.586424	0.001366	0.000275
0.445117	10.810190	0.141913	0.003403	0.000202
0.449414	9.289215	0.382910	0.005739	0.000667
#Window		Free	+/-
#0	0.000000	0.000000
#1	-2.976647	0.010652

To load the free energy profile into python

In [1]: import plumed

In [2]: df = plumed.read_wham("wham_result.dat")

In [3]: df.head()
       Coor       Free   FreeErr      Prob   ProbErr
0  0.427930        inf       NaN  0.000000  0.000000
1  0.432227  17.503672  1.274852  0.000341  0.000167
2  0.436523  17.500549       NaN  0.000342  0.000232
3  0.440820  13.467288  0.586424  0.001366  0.000275
4  0.445117  10.810190  0.141913  0.003403  0.000202

Reading WHAM window energies

Suppose you have a WHAM result file for a simulation run with 16 windows, looking something like this

$ tail wham_result.dat
#Window		Free	+/-
#0	0.000000	0.000000
#1	-2.976647	0.010652
#6	58.650331	0.026025
#7	86.074917	0.031203
#8	108.786612	0.069581
#9	118.055129	0.119232
#10	119.295804	0.173617
#11	119.326201	0.152721
#12	119.399530	0.146030
#13	119.844711	0.187421
#14	120.466334	0.189525
#15	122.303841	0.206086

To load the window energies into python

In [1]: import plumed

In [2]: df = plumed.read_fes("wham_result.dat")

In [3]: df
    Window        Free       +/-
0        0    0.000000  0.000000
1        1   -2.976647  0.010652
2        2   -0.843520  0.018557
3        3    6.396160  0.023641
4        4   18.734943  0.025849
5        5   36.159876  0.025815
6        6   58.650331  0.026025
7        7   86.074917  0.031203
8        8  108.786612  0.069581
9        9  118.055129  0.119232
10      10  119.295804  0.173617
11      11  119.326201  0.152721
12      12  119.399530  0.146030
13      13  119.844711  0.187421
14      14  120.466334  0.189525
15      15  122.303841  0.206086


Read plumed2 COLVAR files as pandas DataFrames






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