get play testers
- frontend
- multihit block numbers
- limit spawn points to one
- only rotate some blocks
- output in level format
- input in level format
- load and save with unity editor integration
- backend @janek
- google games service api
- upload levels
- download levels
- frontend
online highscores @janek
- backend
- frontend
next level button on the win screen
chapter unlock @janek
- unlock chapter if chapter before is 50% completed
- show highscore on completed levels
- animation
blocks @maico
- claw death block
- timed close
- has eyes that telegraph the closing
- one way/color block
- gate block
- key lock system
- color based
- claw death block
level, more levels @maico
- new chapter for claw, one way and gate block
- 6 per chapter
level finish @maico
- level continues for half a second while being immortal
highscore menu
- highlight score of current round
- make last 4 names available as quick choice
alternative touchscreen controll with 4 controll quads
- tell player on death how many blocks he hit / that he was better than before
- sound
- music
- alternative controls
particle effects
- player death
- player death pause die first, then menu
- block animations in general
- revisit animation for spawner
- scroll automatically with navigation when using controller or keys to navigate
- save chapter selection position like with levels
- fix: renaming level files not renaming meta file accordingly
- same highscore data shows in all levels
- Multiple Players
- you lose if all players are dead
score system
- showS
- save
make tutorial in chapter 1 more clear for beginners
create unified colorpalatte
- fly-through block
level store system overhaul in editor
- change how levels are stored and created, to allow for a more flexible setup
- make levels and chapters reorderable with reorderable list
speedup block sound
level unlock