- Name
- Tunnel ROS Interface
- Version
- 1.0.0
- License
- https://github.com/janelia-ros/tunnel_ros
- Author
- Peter Polidoro
- peter@polidoro.io
This is the ROS tunnel interface.
- `/tunnel_state` (`smart_cage_msgs/TunnelState`) - A joint state message containing the current state of all joints.
- `/tunnel_joint_target` (`sensor_msgs/JointState`) - Set joint state targets.
- `serial` (int) - The serial number of the phidgets motor to connect to. If -1 (the default), connects to any motor phidget that can be found.
ros2 launch tunnel tunnel.launch.py
ros2 topic echo /tunnel_state
ros2 topic pub -1 /tunnel_joint_target sensor_msgs/JointState "{name: [right,left], position: [1000,1000]}"