A mongoose plugin implementing the nested set pattern for mongoose models
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
NestedSetPlugin = require('mongoose-nested-set'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var UserSchema = new Schema({
username: {type: String}
// Include plugin
UserSchema.plugin(NestedSetPlugin, {root:'517b04a2b85f33ed79000003'});
var User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
The plugin adds the following attributes to the model:
lft: holds the left value of the node in the tree
rgt: holds the right value of the node in the tree
parentId: holds the _id of the parent node
childs: children elements (only whith tree and getChildren method)
lvl: nested set level (only whith tree and getChildren method)
Examples are based on the following tree:
User.findOne({username: 'michael'}, function(err, michael) {
User.rebuildTree(michael, 1, function() {
// at this point, the tree is built and every node has a lft and rgt value.
michael.descendants(function(err, data) {
// data contains a list of michael descendants
console.log('Is Michael a leaf node?', michael.isLeaf());
console.log('Is Michael a child node?', michael.isChild());
// from root
User.tree(function(err, tree){
console.log(tree); // { name: "some name", lft: 1, rgt: 3, lvl: 0, childs: [...]}
// from another element
User.tree('517b04a2b85f33ed79000003', function(err, tree){
console.log(tree); // { name: "some name", lft: 1, rgt: 3, lvl: 0, childs: [...]}
// from another element without parent
User.tree('517b04a2b85f33ed79000003', function(err, tree){
console.log(tree); // { name: "some name", lft: 1, rgt: 3, lvl: 0, childs: [...]}
}, true); // <-- this set true
User.findOne({username: 'michael'}, function(err, michael) {
michael.getChildren(function(err, childrenTree){
console.log(childrenTree); // [ { name: "some name", lft: 1, rgt: 3, lvl: 0, childs: [...]} , ... ]
For more examples, see our [test suite] (https://github.com/groupdock/mongoose-nested-set/blob/master/tests/nested_set_test.js).
- Model.rebuildTree(rootNode, leftValueOfRootNode, callback)
- Model.tree(rootNodeId, callback [,withoutParent: false])
- Model.tree(callback [,withoutParent: false])
The following methods return a boolean:
The following methods must be used with a callback. The callback method will be called with two arguments: the first argument is the error object (if there was no error, it will be null) and the second argument is the data returned.
- Inspired by [Rails nested_set library] (https://github.com/skyeagle/nested_set)
- [Mongoose Documentation] (http://mongoosejs.com/)
- [Mongoose Plugins] (http://mongoosejs.com/docs/plugins.html)
- [Tree used in test and examples] (https://github.com/groupdock/mongoose-nested-set/raw/master/docs/test_tree.png)
- [Nested Set Model] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nested_set_model)
- [Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database Article] (http://www.sitepoint.com/hierarchical-data-database/)
- [Trees in MongoDB] (http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Trees+in+MongoDB)
To run the tests:
npm test
- added method getChildren
- added static method tree
- added lvl, childs attributes only with tree and getChildren methods. (name childs because name of children is reserved)
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Better tests
- Code cleanup
- Updated package.json to latest dependencies
- Added mongodb indexes on lft, rgt, and parentId
- Luc Castera: https://github.com/dambalah
- Janos Meszaros: https://github.com/janez89
[Intellum] (http://www.intellum.com/)