Async Telnet connection for ESP32 with Arduino IDE
This work is basically a rewrite of
Being an Async library everything is done in callbacks, there is no need to call anything in the loop() function
- ESP32 Core -
- WiFi -
- AsyncTCP -
- include the library ->#include "AsyncTelnet.h"
- create an instance ->AsyncTelnet TestInstance(port); // possilby define a port, default = 23
- declare the callbackfunctions you want -> void telnet_message(const char *data, size_t len){ ... }
- in Setup() function setup your WiFi as usual,
- then attatch the callback functions to the declared instance -> TestInstance.onTelnetResponse(telnet_message);
- then call the begin() function -> TestInstance.begin(checkConnection, mDNS); // checkconnection is default true, mDNS default false! Thats it.
If you want to connect it to Serial, check out my AsyncTelnetSerial library that is derived from this.