MWS is a minimalist Web Server for Windows, based on the Microtoft HTTP Server API v1.0 and some WinINet functions, which provides a basic infrastructure to work with web pages locally.
System requirements:
This application is a console executable for x86 processors, and it doesn’t require any installation process. Just copy the executable file to any folder you want, and run it with the desired command line option, according to your needs.
The minimum version of the recommended operating system is Windows Server 2003 with SP1 and Windows XP with SP2.
smws [url] root_directory
dmws [url] root_directory
lzsmws [url] root_directory
lzdmws [url] root_directory
Main arguments:
url (Optional) String that contains a properly formed
Url-Prefix that identifies the URL to be registered:
root_directory Root directory that will serve as a web hosting.
Other arguments:
--stop Stops the server from the specified URL. It isn't
necessary to indicate the URL if the server was started
with "http://localhost:8080/" by default.
--log Log server operations in the specified file.
smws "..\My Root Folder"
start http://localhost:8080
smws --stop
smws "..\My Root Folder" –-log "D:\Mi Log Folder\My Log File.txt"
start http://localhost:8080
smws --stop
smws www-root –-log mws-log.txt
smws --stop