This is a test project for to create a REST API with JWT authentication.
Clone or download the project in a folder and then install dependencies using composer:
$ composer install
Populate database with some example records using the next command:
$ php bin/console football:import-teams teams.csv
Notice: For to run Postman tests I don't recommend you modify the file teams.csv.
Next run a local web server using the next command:
$ php bin/console server:run
You can execute the tests running the next command:
$ ./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit
Notice: PHPUNIT tests don't require records in the database because I've mocked up the Entity Manager.
There are 4 endpoints:
- GET /api/leagues/{id} - Returns a league with his teams.
- DELETE /api/leagues/{id} - Deletes a league and his teams.
- POST /api/leagues/{leagues_id}/teams - Create a new team in the given league.
- PUT /api/leagues/{league_id}/teams/{team_id} - Update a team.
You will find examples of all the endpoints in the next url Postman online documentation
I've attached in the project 3 Postman collections that you can import to your Postman app:
- Football_API.postman_collection_v1.json - For Postman V1
- Football_API.postman_collection_v2.json - For Postman V2
- Football_API.postman_collection_v2.1.json - For Postman V2.1
There are two token_secret located at...
- This is for production and dev environments.
- This is for to run the unit tests.
Notice: If you modify the token_secret for test environment all the tests will fail.
- Jose Antonio - Initial work
If you found this useful. Please, consider support with a small donation:
- BTC - 1PPn4qvCQ1gRGFsFnpkufQAZHhJRoGo2g5
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- ETH - 0x5022cf2945604CDE2887068EE46608ed6B57cED8
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details